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greetings. it's new zealand naturopath, ericbakker. i'm author of candida crusher and formulator of the canxida range of supplements.thanks for checking out my video. i've got a fan called prochessplayer. his name is joshand josh has asked me a few times now to do a video called the 10 signs of candida andhow to treat them, so i'm going to have a go at this, josh. thanks for your ongoingsupport and i trust you'll get some good information out of this. i think josh might live in canada.i just got that feeling that he's a canadian person judging from some of the comments ireceived on youtube. what i've done, josh, is i've broken thisdown into different categories. i've got a few gastrointestinal symptoms. i've got afew genital urinary symptoms, a few ear, nose
and throat, a few skin ones and a few centralnervous systems. because there are so many different signs and symptoms of candida, i'mnot going to go into all of the different signs and symptoms of candida. i'm just goingto really pick on 10 of the most common presentations that i would see in the clinic, then i'm goingto explain a little bit about some of the best ways to treat these particular kindsof symptoms. bear in mind that when you've got a yeastinfection, it's good, obviously, if it's a bad symptom to get symptom relief, but you'rebetter off really treating the condition as a whole in terms of lifestyle and diet asi've explained in candida crusher. the quiz that we have created at yeastinfection.orgalso will give you a very good idea on how
severe the yeast infection really is and itwill also show the different kinds of signs and symptoms as you grow through the screens.a lot of those signs and symptoms on that quiz i'm going to talk about here right nowon this video. the first three signs and symptoms reallyrelate to gastrointestinal, so gi or gut issues tend to be some of the most common thingsthat people talk to me about when it comes to a yeast infection. yeast tend to ferment.they love sugar. they cause fermentation and that naturally causes bloating and gas, whichis probably one of the most common symptoms i hear people talking about is abdominal issues.it could be pain. it could be gas. it could be bloating. it could be farting. it couldbe lots of burping. we get that occasionally
with people if they tend to get a lot of yeastin the upper part of the gut. yeast can also thrive in the stomach, the small intestine,the large intestine, in the junction between the small and large intestine. yeast havebeen known to flourish throughout the digestive system, so it's quite a fallacy to believethat they just live in the colon or the large intestine. they can live anywhere in the gut.they'll thrive anywhere. especially if they find a good sugar source or a nutrient sourceand a lack of opposing beneficial bacteria. lots of gas and bloating is number one. agood way obviously to treat that is to cut back immediately on the kind of foods thatcan promote gas and bloating, so sugars in your diet, fruits in your diet, take awayfood in your diet. in the candida crusher
book, i talk about the seven-day inductiondiet before you actually start going into and get serious with the three-stage candidacrusher diet will try to do what i call "warm turkey." that's very appropriate coming outof christmas to talk about the warm turkeys. cold turkey is not that pleasant. cold turkeymeans you stop things right away. warm turkey means that you have a seven-day period ofgrace before you cut the crap out of your diet, so just gently over a seven-day periodtake foods out. swap over to a fresh, clean kind of a diet. that's what i call the "warmturkey" approach and that immediately is going to help cut back on gas and bloating.what about if you have gas and bloating now and you've got a perfect diet? well, you mightwant to take some digestive enzymes and some
probiotics. i've created a product calledcanxida restore, which is perfect for gas and bloating. so the canxida restore productyou can get at canxida.com. you would take two or three of these per day and that's goingto help significantly with the gas and bloating if you've got a very good diet. if your dietis not good, make the change, swap to good food, and then take the canxida restore. there'sno point in taking a good probiotic enzyme formula if you're having pizzas and swallowingit down with coca-cola all day, is there. pretty dumb thing to do, isn't it? but somepeople do crazy things. number two. bowel change. bowel changes commonlyoccur with people with stress, with candida, with sibo, small intestinal bacterial overgrowthand parasites, people on various medications,
ibs or irritable bowel syndrome. about 50percent of people with ibs usually suffer from stress. stress has an incredible effectto bowel change. it can cause change in many different ways, but particularly in how thebowel moves food and stool through peristalsis, the movement and the passage of things throughthe bowel, and that's very much affected by stress. the autonomic nervous system thatcontrols digestion and gut motility very much gets screwed up with stress. especially ifyou've got skinny motions at times or bigger motions or you're going at different timesof the day. it's all over the show. it could well be stress underpinning it. make sureif you get bowel changes, that you try to relax more, chew food better, don't eat yourmain meal in front the horror movie every
night at six o'clock, which is the six o'clocknews about who just got beheaded or something. not a good idea to eat dinner in those circumstances.bleeding from the bowel, pain, all those sorts of things may need checking out with yourdoctor. so if you're really concerned about a recent bowel change, you need to get checkedout. go to the doctor, get some blood testing done. a sudden bowel change can signify somestructural changes. bowel changes commonly occur with candida. in that case, if you getlots of constipation and diarrhea, think about taking the canxida remove product, the anti-fungal/anti-bacterial/anti-parasitetablet. take one, two or three per day. that's going to help tone up the bowel because it'sgoing to help remove a lot of these pests and encourage the beneficial bacteria to comeback again, which is what the canxida restore
does. it improves the ability of the bodyto break food down and it also gives you a lot more beneficial bacteria that is goingto help a lot to create better bowel motions. bowel changes, also think about eating goodfood like point one. chewing properly. eating lots of fresh products in your diet. havinggood protein. chewing it properly. exercising or walking every day. these things will encouragegood bowel formation, good bowel tone. number three. sweet cravings. many peoplei see crave sweet foods and you'll know you've got candida when you crave sweets on a regularbasis, especially after food i find is a key time for sweet cravings for some people withbad candida infections. how do you treat a sweet craving? well, there is a couple ofways you can treat it. a good way to treat
it to start with is to cut back on the amountof sweet foods you eat and eat more protein in your diet, more fresh foods.also take the enzyme probiotic that i mentioned before, restore, because that's going to increasethe way that your stomach and small intestine work. you'll break food down better. it willaffect the receptors in your brain positively because it reduces the ability for your brainto want glucose. it's supplying your brain and the cells of your body with superior nutrition.when the digestion works well, the n cells and target cells get the nutrition more efficiently.sugar cravings i find occur often with people with faulty digestion, poor levels of beneficialbacteria, and particularly poor levels of digestive enzymes. many people with pancreaticdysfunction crave sweet stuff. and the more
sweet stuff you get, the more you will craveit and the more bloating you will get, the more burping, the more weird bowel motions.it's basically a catch 22 that you're going to get out of. slowly swapping to a fresh,healthy diet, chewing properly and taking a good enzyme is going to really help reducesweet cravings. there is also an herb called gymnema silvestrethat i've written about in candida crusher. taking a few drops of gymnema liquid on thetongue. it tastes really bitter, but it blocks the ability of the tongue to send a signalto the brain that it wants sweet food. it's almost like a switch that gets turned off.it's fantastic. chromium picolinate, 500 mcg capsule, maybe a few times a day will alsohelp with wicked sweet cravings. and i encourage
eating things like capsicum or sweet kindsof vegetables to chew on that are going to help a bit with sweet cravings. sometimesan apple will help with the sweet craving. you will find that it will diminish over timeas your diet changes and your digestion changes. that's the three gut symptoms.now let's talk about a couple of genitourinary symptoms associated with candida. common signs.kidney or bladder infections, especially recurrent. many people get recurring bladder infectionsand kidney infections. is it linked with candida? i think it is in many cases. and many peoplewith recurring bacterial or e-coli infections often have a yeast infection as well. andthat's because they often take antibiotics to counter these infections. trimethoprimor different kinds of antibiotics will kill
the beneficial flora and yeast will thrive.yeast will often partner up with bad bacteria. by cleaning up yeast in your body, changingyour diet, drinking more water, it's going to really help significantly to nail theseinfections. i've written a whole page on utis, urinarytract infections, on ericbakker.com. you can read that page. it's one of my very commonlyread pages. there is a powder called d-mannose. usually taking one to two teaspoons per dayof that will help to get rid of the e-coli bacteria. the mannose sticks to e-coli almostlike velcro and it helps to pee it out of the body more efficiently. cranberry juiceis good. quite alkaline. also has a similar ability to stop bacteria adhering to the bladderwall and to the urethra. when you have the
cranberry, i prefer that you buy the wholeberries from the health food shop and simmer them for five minutes in some hot water andthen drink that tea. don't buy bottles of cranberry crap from the shop because it'susually full of sugar, which defeats the purpose. the golden rule with utis and kidney and bladderproblems. drink tons of water. stop alcohol. keep away from sugary foods. be careful withintimate relations. honeymoon cystitis is common in young people. they get recurringinfections from sexual contact. and of course personal hygiene is a key way to get rid ofthese infections. thrush or jock itch, number five. very common.lots of people contact me for recurring thrush with females and also jock itch. i've donemany videos on jock itch for males and i get
lots and lots of questions regarding burningscrotum and burning balls and burning penis and burning this. it may seem like a crazyjob i've got, but i kind of enjoy helping people out with these personal problems. youcan read a lot about this in blogs i've written on yeastinfection.org or check out my videos.the big thing with jock itch is personal hygiene. it's very big. regular showering. again, targetingthe gut fungus using my canxida remove and restore. you can see the videos i've doneon that. it will tell you exactly how to use it. using tea tree oil or coconut productsregularly will help to allay the itch. lots of sunlight, salt water. there are many waysyou can get rid of a jock itch. thrush, boric acid capsules. check out mytwo-stage vaginal treatment program that i
talk quite a lot about. you can read thatin candida crusher. you can read it at yeastinfection.org and you can see the videos i've created onvaginal thrush. thrush can be nailed beautifully by targeting internal treatment. if you'remenstruating, especially menstruation, you do the kill phase and post-menstruation, dothe build phase. three menstrual cycles back to back along with correct diet and lifestyle,you've nailed the condition in 90 percent of cases. i've worked with well over a thousandwomen that had vaginal thrush and had fantastic results with the protocol. be sure to takethe canxida remove and the canxida restore to really assist in regulating the internalenvironment. because getting rid of thrush or jock itch is not just about treating thelocal area. it's about getting your lifestyle
right, getting your diet right, and usingjust a small amount of high quality supplementation as the icing on the cake.number six. now we've got a couple of ent, ear, nose and throat issues. six is nasalcondition, phlegm, coughing, clearing up phlegm, all those awful sounds that some people make.people with nasal congestion, stuffiness, phlegm, coughing, all that kind of stuff isvery much yeast related. a lot of these people crave sugar or have a lot of carbohydratesin their diet like lots of bread. they might have a few slices of bread and they coughup phlegm later. very common. milk can be associated with this, too. many people havegot allergies toward milk. that can create excess mucous and then bacteria and yeastlike to thrive in that environment. but i
find a lot of throat clearing and nasal congestionespecially to be candida related. once you've cleared the bugs from the gut and you've gotthe balance back, the sinus in the nose should be nice and clear.how do we get rid of the nasal congestion? well, again, you need to get the inner environmentright. there is no point in taking steroid nasal sprays and antihistamines and crap likethat if you've got an infection underpinning it and then a poor diet. that's just encouragingit. you need to get the causes addressed. tinnitus, headaches, sinus, teeth pain, they'reall related to yeast infection. i'm not saying that all of these things are caused alwaysby yeast infection, but there is an association there. tinnitus, how the hell can that becauses by candida? or teeth pain, i mean this
guy is really off his tree by saying thatisn't he? i've done videos recently on the vagus nerve explaining about the connectionwith the nerve and the base of the brain. the vagus nerve is the largest nerve thatcontrols the parasympathetic dominance in the body. basically, it helps to balance thestress response. it sends information from the gut up to the brain and the brain in turngets that information back to the gut again. there is a big connection there. there aretiny little nerves called oracular branches that run off the vagus nerve. people withbad gut problems can actually get fluttering sounds in their ears and dizzy spells. i doassociate tinnitus also with anxiety and i see it particularly in people in their late50s up to mid-60s in women more so than men.
there are other causes with tinnitus. i mightdo some videos just to explain tinnitus in more detail. i associate that with gut problemsin general, but also anxiety and other kinds of issues.tension headaches. very common with candida. tension headaches are often caused by stress.headaches can also be caused a lot by sinus congestion and liver congestion. headachesthat are caused by liver pain, you'll often get pain around the top of the head, painaround the eyes. headaches caused by candida can be all around the face. it can be on theside. it can be behind the eyes. it can be the head in general. candida also producesa lot of byproducts as a result of its interaction with the immune system. and when candida dies,it will create all kinds of cell fragments
that tend to jam up the immune system. thesethings affect immunity quite a lot that upregulate the immune response and cause inflammation.inflammation can cause heat, flushing, redness and pain, sweaty, all common signs of yeastinfection in many people that i see. sinusitis. if you've got nasal congestion,phlegm, it's easy then for it to be a breeding ground and then bugs will take off and you'llget an infection. what does the doctor give you? more antibiotics and then you're goingto get more yeast infection. teeth pain. when you get a lot of swellingof the maxillary sinus in different areas as a result of infection, it puts pressureon facial nerves. you can actually feel pain all around the teeth even. that can be asa result of a yeast infection. yes, it can.
especially if you've got root canals or deadteeth causing bacterial infections even more so. these things can be alleviated a lot withcloths against the face, like nice hot packs are going to help significantly. there aredifferent herbal aids that we can use to alleviate pain, homeopathic medicines, but we can'tspecifically go into that with this video. tinnitus can be alleviated greatly with acupunctureand especially if you start really working on relaxation exercises. there are particularexercises to correct your balance to get relief. two more problems here. eight and nine relateto skin and nail. toenail or nail fungus is a very common sign of candida. number nineis psoriasis or white patches under the skin. take the socks off and have a look if you'vegot any fungal toenails. many people have
got fungal toenails. in fact, it's huge. thereare a lot of advertisements on tv in many countries for treatments targeting toenailfungus. people with recurring toenail fungus usually have got gastrointestinal yeast infections.so again, it's not just local treatment for the toenail, you need to address the gut andget the gut right. it's incredible how many times i've hearda guy say that when he stopped drinking beer altogether, within six months, the toenailfungus cleared up. or a woman drinking wine or people eating a lot of sugar in generalor alcohol. these are often tied up with promoting the yeast infection. don't kid yourself fora minute that you will have only toenail fungus and no fungus in other parts of the body.you will. i guarantee you. i've seen this
many times. the way to treat toenail fungusis treat the body systemically for yeast infection. again, have a look at the canxida remove thati've created and the canxida restore. these two products because they're going to helpquite a lot. target the internal environment on the toe try tea tree oil. another tip thati've recently discovered is using a bit of boric acid powder. i've got some boric acidpowder here. here it is. no, no. it's not what you think. i'm not into methamphetamineor stuff like that. this is boric acid powder. boric acid powder, you can actually mix upa little bit with coconut oil and just gently poke that in and around the toenail. makeup a paste and smear that around the toenail. one of my patients said it was absolutelyfantastic in getting rid of the yeast infection.
that's a tip to use the boric acid powder.also tea tree oil. put a few drops of tea tree oil every single day on the toenail ororegano oil. that's going to really help to treat that infection indeed.the psoriasis. very common for people with psoriasis to have a yeast infection. in fact,three quarters of psoriasis patients, if not more, suffer with candida. that's a fact.you can google it and have a look. there are research papers actually now that actuallyvalidate that statement. white skin patches. check out a product i've recently createdcalled canxida cream. you can get that on amazon. canxida cream is a kind of uniqueproduct that i formulated after requests from many people that wanted a cream that was gentle,perfect for dry skin, that could be used on
cracked skin, and i'm finding it fantasticfor psoriasis patients. really, really effective. but i'm also recommending it now for jockitch and white skin patches. some people get white fungal skin patches. it can be usedon the scalp. it can be used on the private areas. it can be used anywhere. i wouldn'tuse it internally, but it can be used all around the vaginal area and around the penisand scrotum. all those areas are affectively treated with canxida cream. check the creamout. you'll find it on amazon. it's quite inexpensive and it's a nice product with apricotkernel oil it. it's got tea tree oil in it. it's a very effective product.how do we treat psoriasis? how do we treat skin patches? again, like the toenail fungus.treat the gut. treat the internal environment.
take an antifungal product like the canxidaremove. take a probiotic enzyme like the canxida restore. correct the diet. all of that dietinformation i've made multiple videos on. you can look at all that for free. check outmy blog yeastinfection.org. i try to give you guys as much free information as i canto really help you out there. number ten. central nervous system. poor concentration,decreased memory, loss of self-confidence and self-esteem, mood swings, irritability.all of these things are potential issues that a lot of candida patients face. when you'vebeen sick for a long time, when people lose confidence in you, close family and friendsthink you're nuts, the doctor thinks you need to see a psychiatrist, of course, you're goingto lose self-confidence. you're going to feel
like you're a screwball. you're going to thinkthere is something wrong with you. in fact, there isn't. there is something wrong witha lot of other people. you've lost the confidence in you. this is how i felt when i was in my20s. people thought i was crazy. they thought i need to see a psychiatrist with candida.then i started to realize that this condition made me feel terrible. but what made me evenmore terrible was the loss of confidence that people had in me. that made me feel reallydepressed. depression can be a part of long term candida, especially when you feel toosick to go outside. too sick to work. too sick to have bright lights coming in on you.and you feel pissed off. you feel angry. you feel irritable when you're like that. thatkeeps people away.
how do you get on top of this? how do youimprove these bad moods and how you feel as a result of candida and the result of a lifestylecaused by candida? you need to have the ability to understand that you will improve bit bybit. improve what you can and understand there are things that you can improve that willtake time. as your confidence and self-esteem increases, you'll find you'll get better andbetter and better. it will take time to do that. keep working on the digestive systemand everyday make the right kind of choices. you call the shots in terms of what you eat,what you drink, people you mix with, your ability to exercise or sit in front of thetv, the kind of movies you watch. all those things influence your ability to heal to greatdegree.
really when you think about it, healing isin your hands. not in the doctor's hands. that's a very important message i like tobring across as we come to the close of this video that you're responsible for your ownhealth. you're also responsible for your own healing. as you improve, you'll be amazedthat how your friendships will be restored again and you'll actually your job. you'llenjoy your intimate relationship and you'll enjoy living again. that's what i call theupward spiral. when things improve, everything improve. when things go down, everything goesdown. it's your call. i hope that gives you some information onthe ten signs, typical things that i would see if candida yeast infection and how totreat them. don't forget to sign up for my
youtube channel. i appreciate the support.prochessplayer or josh who requested this video is already a big fan. if you're watchingthis video and you've managed to watch beyond the three and half minutes that most peoplewatch, please become a subscriber. check out yeastinfection.org. do my quiz and check outmy canxida.com products because i think they are some of the best that you'll find.thanks so much for tuning in.
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