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00:01 hello! home remedies are quite effectiveand very inexpensive. 00:07 i like that kind of remedy one who hasthe two very major 00:12 aspects of the healing process in them,in expense and 00:17 effectiveness, so we are going to betalking about 00:19 home remedies, i think you will enjoylearning about 00:22 some of these things that can be usedfor the vast majority 00:27 of ailments that afflict people in theirhomes today 00:31 so join us for this program.00:53 welcome to help yourself to health 00:55 with dr. agatha thrash of uchee pinesinstitute
00:59 and now here is your host dr. thrash.01:02 not only are home remedies inexpensive, but most anybody01:11 can do them, and i would like to show you some home remedies01:14 now that i have found to be quite effective and i enjoy01:18 very much showing people about these, because i know that01:23 they will do the work that i need them to do01:27 and that i can even tell people on the telephone how to do them.01:31 let me just show this one to you of how to make a01:35 fungus fighter. 01:37 now at uchee pines we have some peoplewho make the
01:41 fungus fighter as a cottage industryand sell it. 01:45 they sell it in this kind of bottlewith a label on it 01:49 and this kind of bottle is very easyto find, you can come 01:55 by this from an empty bottle that youhad something else in 01:59 or you can simply buy one from a departmentstore and 02:03 use that, but let me show you how tomake this very nice 02:07 little remedy02:09 it depends on an herb called calendula and you can see02:17 the calendula flowers here, these are the pedals02:18 and sometimes you will get the flower
heads as well02:23 these come from a health food store or from an herb shop02:27 and the little flower, the little plant grows02:30 in people's gardens and you might even gather some fresh02:36 and the time to gather them if you do, they are a common02:40 little plant, in little flower beds. 02:42 they look like marigolds and so youjust gather the entire 02:49 head when it is at it's biggest flowerpoint. 02:56 so let me show you how to do this, youmeasure out one cup 03:01 and put that in a jar such as this,usually a jar with a
03:05 very broad top is the best and thenyou have about this much 03:14 in the jar, then you need myrrh.03:18 now myrrh comes from overseas generally it's a part of the03:23 myrtle plant and you can see that this is a powder and it03:27 smells quite fragrant i think, i like the smell of it and this03:33 powder in only one of it's forms, you can also get it as03:37 a crystalline material or you can get myrrh as a tincture.03:44 and any way that you use it it is 1. it is two cups of the03:51 calendula, one quarter cup of the myrrh then pour enough03:58 vinegar on top of it to fully cover
it.04:03 so let me show you how the myrrh is simply added to the04:07 same jar that you are going to use... this is a quarter cup04:11 so it's a quarter the amount of the herb that you use04:17 in the myrrh, this is added to the jar as you see here04:23 once that has been added then the next part is the vinegar.04:27 this can be either white vinegar or it can be brown vinegar04:31 either way it doesn't matter, the thing that you want04:35 is that it be at least 3% acidity, this happens to be 5%04:42 and that is quite good i like the 5%,
then you simply cover04:48 the herbs that you have added there so that the vinegar04:52 entirely fills the jar, or at least covers the herb,04:59 and as you can see it's sort of nice to make it near a sink05:03 because it can be a bit messy especially if you are doing it05:07 for your first time. 05:08 then be sure it is all wet and it doesn'tmatter if you 05:12 have a little extra vinegar becausejust to let you know 05:17 that vinegar itself is also a fungusfighter, 05:20 and this looks quite nice even whenyou are making it up
05:24 yet we don't have enough vinegar, sowe will continue to 05:29 pour until it is quite liquid and thereis some extra space 05:35 above now it's beginning to reach theproper consistency 05:42 but i'll add just a bit more so thatyou can see how this 05:46 very useful product can be somethingthat you can keep 05:52 easily around your home to fight a funguswith in case 05:57 somebody gets a fungus.05:59 now you can see about what the consistency should be06:04 and if it has flower heads in it that is fine too06:07 you don't mind a bit if it has flower
heads in it.06:10 simply cover it, and the reason to cover it is that it has06:16 a way of giving it's fragrance to your entire kitchen06:21 and you would be just as happy that you just have food smells06:25 from the kitchen and not herb smells as well,06:29 it doesn't smell as if it would be something that you would eat06:32 but i think it does smell quite fragrant. 06:35 now once you let it set for two weeksyou should stir it 06:42 every day, or if you can't stir it everyday then let it set 06:46 for about three weeks, then strain itand you will have a
06:50 product that looks like this.06:52 now this product is very helpful for any kind of fungus06:58 it's even helpful for dandruff which sometimes has a07:02 superficial fungus as a part of the itching process.07:06 but it's most effective for athlete's foot and very07:13 effective for fungus toenail. 07:16 now fungus toenail also has a standardtreatment, 07:20 but the medicine in quite toxic, soi don't recommend that 07:24 you take the medicine but rather thatyou get this because 07:27 it will be just as effective as themedicine.
07:30 now the treatment time is one year oruntil the fungus toenail 07:37 has grown all the way out, keep it trimmedall the time 07:40 so that you can tell how much is growingout. 07:43 it starts growing out pink within threeor four weeks 07:46 and you are encouraged to keep on withthe one year 07:51 of the treatment.07:52 the reason it takes so long is that that nail is infected07:56 with the fungus, and this is not a fungicidal, it is only08:01 an inhibitor of the growth of fungus, so it keeps it from08:06 growing in the fresh part that is growing
out.08:09 so i hope that will help you when you need a good08:13 fungus fighter. 08:14 now i have asked rhonda clark to joinme today, she is one of 08:19 our colleagues at uchee pines, welcomerhonda! 08:21 - i'm glad to be here. - i see fromthe equipment 08:24 that you have, that you are going toshow us how to treat 08:28 arthritis and arthritic hand.08:30 - oh yes! when i was a student at uchee pines we were learning08:33 various treatments, hydro- therapy and other types of08:35 home remedies and this is one of my
very favorites08:38 it feels wonderful. 08:40 - and it makes the skin feel so nicetoo. 08:42 - oh, it does, if you have aching jointsin your hand or 08:46 other places on your body, using warmvery warm paraffin 08:51 is a lovely treatment i'm going to bedemonstrating today 08:54 a paraffin bath, a paraffin treatmentfor the hand, 08:57 this is so nice if you have arthriticfingers that hurt you 09:01 and i have asked miss arianna hartsfieldto come and be 09:05 my patient so i can demonstrate thistreatment on her.
09:08 the paraffin treatment is done, andthe melted paraffin is put 09:16 in a special container that keeps itat a constant heat 09:20 and the ideal temperature is around125- 135 degrees 09:26 you can test this yourself if you wantto make your own 09:30 paraffin treatment at home.09:32 an old slow cooker, for example what i have here,09:36 this would be an example of a slow cooker you might find09:39 at a yard sale or a good will store, if it has a setting for09:45 low, which you can see this one has a setting for low09:48 that i have placed this on, this might
be just the right09:52 temperature, but to be safe use a thermometer that will09:55 reach at least 150�, and you can keep the paraffin then at a10:01 safe temperature, 125�-135�. 10:04 the paraffin that is used is just thesame type of paraffin 10:07 that we use in canning and you can findthat where you buy 10:11 canning supplies but it does need oneother ingredient in it 10:14 and that is mineral oil, and a formulathat we use, 10:17 it's what i've used in the tub thatwe will be doing our 10:20 demonstration on today is 5 lbs paraffinand then
10:24 1/2- 1 pint of mineral oil, i want tomake sure i give you 10:29 the correct recipe.10:30 so arianna if you will raise your sleeve for me...10:33 the purpose of the treatment as the paraffin gets on the skin10:38 you'll see it leaves a layer of the paraffin left on the10:41 skin and that helps not only make it feel very warm when10:45 it goes on but helps hold in the heat which feels so nice10:49 on those arthritic joints. 10:50 and the very first dipping.. - you wantto be sure that your 10:53 sleeve doesn't get in it because itcan leave the sleeve
10:58 permanently oily.10:59 the first dip down into the paraffin should be rather deep11:04 so all the way to the bottom and lift it back up and11:08 let that layer cool, you can see immediately how quickly11:11 it starts to dry and solidify, and as it begins to dry11:15 you'll do another dip. 11:17 does that feel nice and warm there arianna?11:20 the goal is to actually build up quite a big hand,11:27 quite a number of layers of the paraffin, again as they cool11:31 dip again, and this is where it feels so wonderful11:36 the heat is just sinking into the hand,
into those sore joints11:41 it just feels so good, we'll do one more dip.11:45 at home if you are doing this yourself, you will do more dips11:48 you can see already how her hand is looking much bigger11:51 but you will do several dips until everything is very well11:54 coated, it's important not to move as you are doing that11:58 so that you don't get little cracks and bends in the12:00 paraffin, you want to keep it intact as you can.12:03 after this looks as if this last dip has dried a bit12:07 then you will wrap the hand in a towel
to help hold in the12:11 heat, and so you've got your hand there arianna12:14 we'll just wrap it in the towel and then relax and rest12:20 and let that heat sink in, unfortunately very soon12:26 you'll find it beginning to cool and you know the treatment12:29 will be coming to an end and as that happens the paraffin12:33 comes from the skin so nicely, we'll show here how then you12:39 just peel the paraffin back off and if you do your hands12:46 very clean before the treatment, if you wash your hands very well12:51 before the treatment, this used paraffin
can actually be12:54 just placed right back in to the paraffin wax to continue to be12:57 reused, recycled so to speak and the hand will feel warm13:03 you can see that the skin is a little pinker and very soft13:07 it's a lovely treatment for the skin. 13:10 in addition to arthritis i think thiscan be used for bursitis, 13:14 strains, aches, pains.13:16 - right! it can even be painted on to shoulders and13:19 other places. - yeah! joints that you can't13:21 reach or dip very easily in this and so, thank you arianna13:26 and i thank you dr. thrash i appreciated
the opportunity13:28 to tell a little bit about this treatment today.13:30 - very good, and while arianna is here beside me13:34 i would like show another treatment that arianna can13:38 help me with and this is an onion poultice. 13:41 now the onion poultices can be placedmany places, 13:45 one place that the ancients used touse it for is on the chest 13:49 for bronchitis and pneumonia and itcan be effectively used 13:54 there is as a way to help with the resolutionof pneumonia. 14:00 but i have here an onion material thatis just chopped
14:07 onion and i'm going to make a very daintypoultice with 14:09 onion, but most of the time you willtwo or three onions 14:13 so that you can make for the chest orfor the abdomen 14:17 quite a large compress can also be usedin infections 14:22 such as ulcers on the legs, diabeticulcers on the legs. 14:28 these things are very nicely treatedwith the onion so 14:33 i would like just to show you a nicedainty onion compress 14:39 and we'll just make one here on thetop of arianna's hand 14:43 assuming that she has something likean ulcer, so you just put
14:47 the onion material that has been cookeda bit, 14:50 so you just put it right on the place,would you hold your 14:54 sleeve right there just a little bitand then i can get this 14:59 on without making your clothing smellas if you have been in an 15:05 onion patch.15:07 now as soon as you get the onion piled on and it's piled15:13 on generously, then you just put a cloth over that15:20 and if you would hold that for me for a moment and then15:24 you just take a little kitchen plastic, such as this,15:29 and this is the kind that sticks to
itself, which makes a15:35 very good compress, so if i can get this to come loose15:41 properly we'll show you the finish of the poultice15:47 and then it opens like that and then we put around15:57 the place where you have the compress. 16:00 now compresses are extremely good butyou do need to put a 16:07 bandage on it, so here is a bandagean ace type, 16:12 and again it's the same kind of thing,it goes on with a bit of 16:18 stickiness, and the sticky plastic wrapand the sticky roll 16:24 bandage is very helpful and it's notput on tight,
16:29 it's just put on just enough to holdthe compress in place. 16:36 now if arianna had a sore on her handor any kind of wound 16:45 that had become infected, it's not necessaryto put it 16:49 on a fresh wound but if a wound becomesinfected then you could 16:53 use the onion poultice like this, andwhen it is taken off 16:57 the part is simply washed with a coldwash cloth 17:02 and dried and then the part dressedwarmly. 17:08 if it's the chest then the chest isdressed very warmly, 17:11 after the compress is taken off.17:14 alright arianna i will let you take
that off yourself17:18 when you get to a convenient place, thank you for helping us17:23 with this nice poultice. 17:25 now another thing that i would liketo make sure that you know 17:32 about some small remedies that dr. donaldmiller will be 17:38 talking with you about, and i have askeddr. miller to 17:41 join me on the program today, and isee that it looks like 17:47 you have a man's sock there.17:49 - yes, you know when you were talking about the onion poultice17:53 i always think about people thinking well! i won't have any17:57 of this plastic wrap, i don't have any
of the ace bandages.18:00 traveling in other countries you've got to really fly by18:04 the seat of your pants. - plastic bags are not even18:06 available. - plastic bags are ubiquitous 18:08 they are everywhere, plastic bags, thereis no where i go 18:11 that you cannot find a plastic bag.18:12 - even in ukraine. 18:13 - in ukraine they are everywhere.18:15 - really! - blowing in the wind. 18:16 - first time i went to ukraine theydidn't have plastic bags. 18:19 - this is a whole new world, that was10 years ago, 18:20 now they're everywhere.18:22 any plastic, any plastic at all and
then if you don't have an18:26 ace bandage, once you've got that whole thing on just pull a18:29 sock over the whole thing it will cover it nicely,18:32 if you want the fingers out just cut the end of the sock off18:33 and you've got everything that you need right there.18:35 - so you need to cut a little hole over here on the side18:38 for the thumb. - that's right! 18:40 so we don't feel like you got to haveexactly the equipment 18:44 that we are showing you because everythingis out there that 18:48 you need, i don't think god is out thereto fool us
18:50 if there is a simple remedy there isa way 18:52 that you can use it.18:54 now there are a few things that i like to travel with18:56 one, and i bought this years ago when we were on tour18:59 up in washington state, you can see there is still19:03 a little bit in here, this is peppermint oil.19:05 - peppermint oil. - yep! and you know how many19:07 uses there are for this. - oh yes! 19:09 - if someone has a sore throat you mightput a little bit in 19:13 water, and let them gargle with thepeppermint oil,
19:15 it's also good for the breath.19:17 it's good for the headache, someone has a headache19:19 put a little bit on the finger and rub it on the temples19:22 of the head, that is good for a headache, it's good for19:26 many many other things, it's good for... 19:29 - may i see it? - yes! it smells wonderfultoo. 19:32 - i was just going to check it's authenticity,sure enough. 19:36 - it's pure peppermint oil! - anothervery good remedy for 19:41 using this is again you simply wet thefinger and lick it off 19:46 for motion sickness.19:49 - i was going to say the upset stomach,
it's very good for19:51 motion sickness, so i carry this with me for myself or19:55 anyone else who might need this, it's very nice.19:57 another one that i really would not leave home without is20:00 tea tree oil, it's vital if i get one of these little20:05 canker sores in my mouth, a little bit of swipe over20:08 that thing usually for me takes care of it, some people not,20:10 some people it will. 20:12 if i have a sore throat coming on, alittle bit on my 20:14 finger tip, i'll go back and i'll paintmy throat with the
20:17 tea tree oil. - any fastidious personcould 20:20 use a q-tip. - they could, this is mybottle, 20:26 but yes that is right, you know i'mdoing it twice, 20:30 i use my index finger for the firstone, middle finger 20:34 for the second one, i don't want tore-infect myself. 20:37 i will also use it for any type of askin problem, 20:40 if i have a bug bite, if i have an abrasion,very very healing 20:43 for the body.20:45 one i heard of not to long ago was a couple of other oils20:49 oregano oil, and thyme oil.
20:53 - oh yes both very good fragrant oils.20:56 - fragrant oils but they are also very good antibiotic oils.20:59 - yes! - matter of fact what i did 21:01 one christmas is i bought a bunch ofthese bottles and sent 21:07 a pair to each one of my family memberswith instruction 21:10 for how to use it and the instructionsare very easy. 21:13 if you have a container of water, youcan do it in a glass 21:16 but i like a container of water becauseyou have to mix 21:19 this stuff well or the oils are veryhot when you 21:22 drink them, i tried this one time inromania and i just
21:25 gave the students all little cups andthey poured the water 21:29 and the oil in these things in thereand drank it down 21:31 but the oil was sitting on top, andit set them on fire. 21:34 - yes! i'm sure. same thing will happen21:36 if you use to much of the mint oil. 21:38 - yes, it will. - but mint oil for painin the 21:41 abdomen can be really nice, or bloatingin the abdomen, 21:44 very nice but if you use much it needsto be diluted. 21:48 - as a matter of fact if you don't havethem in oil 21:50 and there is some mint, just chew somemint leaves.
21:52 - precisely! - it will give you thesame 21:53 thing and mint grows in many many...21:54 and there is many different types of mints.21:56 so to make this i would put a teaspoon of oil,22:00 i like to use olive oil myself, and then three drops,22:04 it doesn't take many, i usually use five for myself,22:07 about three drops of these oils, put them in the water,22:10 shake it vigorously, and drink it down. 22:13 - how much water, about a cup? - abouta cup, about 8ounces 22:16 it doesn't really matter, the more themerrier sometimes.
22:19 oregano is know to kill about 25 differentviruses. 22:24 - may i see it? - um hum!22:25 - yes, it's very anti-microbial, yes, very fragrant!22:31 it makes you think when you smell it, that it is a healing22:37 herb, may i see that one? - yes, yes, very nice.22:39 - oh yes, the thyme oil, thyme is a very good kitchen herb.22:44 - and keeping these in your suitcases also makes your22:47 suitcase smell quite nice. 22:49 it is always good to have a nice smellingsuitcase. 22:52 one other thing i like to travel withis a little
22:56 container and i'm not advertising products,22:58 there is many different types this is just an atomizer23:01 for spraying a saline solution into the nose for a cold23:06 coming on, i like to do a saline spray if someone else23:11 is sick in the area, because we realize that this part23:14 of the body is very protective of us as long as we've23:17 kept it clean. 23:18 this has a little bit of colloidal silverin it 23:21 which they say has great propertieswhether it does 23:24 or not i don't know but...23:26 - some tests seem to show that the silver
salts are very23:30 effective, we used to use the silver salts when i was in23:33 medical school for such a serious illness as syphilis23:37 and it was quite effective for the syphilis, so we know23:40 that it does have good anti- microbial qualities.23:44 so i just do a couple squirts up each nostril with this thing23:46 and i find that that protects me if not helping to heal me23:51 for what i might already have, but protect me from23:53 getting it from somebody else. 23:54 so these simple things that we carryaround with us,
23:57 i like to have these with me every wherei go. 24:00 - by the way i'll say that the treatmentfor syphilis is 24:05 probably still best the antibiotic thatwe have today 24:10 but we certainly did have good resultswith the silver salts 24:14 when i was in medical school, but wealso know that at the 24:20 same time that we were treating syphilisand gonorrhea with 24:24 silver salts, we also had excellentresults with 24:28 hot baths for both syphilis and gonorrhea.24:32 both of these germs are extremely sensitive to24:37 a little heat and a little cooling and
so that makes it24:41 so that they can be very effective. 24:43 now you were showing me some of thethings you carry around 24:49 in your emergency kit.24:51 - well you know some of the best things and i've got many24:55 things in here, i just want to pull this out right here24:57 i carry a little thing, this is what we have at uchee pines25:00 this little card pack. - yes, i recognize that.25:02 that's dan duce's program. - no this is our program25:05 this is the one that we put out for meetings and that we25:08 sort of give away.
25:10 but in here i made up many bible promises,and you know 25:15 when you are in a tough situation abible promise 25:17 is what you really need, you can begiving yourself a treatment 25:21 but sometimes a treatment is tough likeyou mentioned 25:23 for syphilis i used to sue hydrotherapyand this was 25:26 long term hydro-therapy with hot temperatures.25:29 - very hot temperatures up to 105�. 25:30 - yes! that's right so joshua 1:9 havenot i commanded thee 25:33 be strong and of good courage, it comesin handy for people 25:36 like that, and so to have god's word...25:38 i have found that there is power in
god's word.25:42 - healing power! - very much healing powers!25:45 - we think of the word of god as being something that is very25:49 good for our spiritual health but the word of god is also25:54 very powerful for the physical health and when people are25:57 seriously ill to share the word of god, share some promises26:02 to pray with them, this can be very helpful for the individual,26:07 it's encouraging, it's filled with hope and it makes the26:11 individual think that you have their best good at heart.26:14 - i was once lying very sick in austria
and reading through26:18 the bible and i came to the most wonderful healing verse,26:21 i like medical missionary verses, 26:24 it was found in jeremiah 17:1426:26 it says: "heal me o lord, and i shall be healed, save me26:31 and i shall be saved." 26:33 - "amen!" - two promises, conditionis, 26:34 "for though art my praise." - "amen!"26:38 so i find that praising the lord is such a healing thing26:42 as we are laying there in our sick bed or our death bed26:44 if we praise the lord it's going to make it better.26:48 - now you have one more thing that i
like and it's right there26:51 on the table beside you. 26:52 - yes! - that came out of your kit too26:54 i know. - i would not travel without 26:57 my charcoal, and i have powder in mysuitcase but i will 27:01 carry this with me wherever i am, theseare charcoal tablets 27:05 i bought this, as a matter of fact ican't even read it 27:07 to you because it's in cyrillic buti bought this in ukraine 27:12 and i just tear off as many as i thinki need, 27:15 people say well how many do you take,i say well i take enough. 27:18 - that's the dosage, you take enough.27:20 - that's right! you can't take to many.
27:22 - yes, it's not toxic.27:23 so i like your little kit, i think it's a very good thing27:28 i carry a kit as well but when i carry charcoal in my suitcase27:32 i have it double bagged in a zip-lock bag,27:37 i want to be sure that i don't arrive at my destination27:40 and have to do laundry the very first thing and still27:44 forever have dingy clothing. 27:45 well i hope these simple things thatyou can see anyone can do 27:50 in their home will be of eternal benefitto you.
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