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ty: welcome to the truth about cancer: a globalquest. i’m so thankful that you’ve tuned into the show. just in case you missed the last show, here’sa recap for you. ty: here’s a summary of what you’ve cometo understand during this episode. you’ve seenthe heartbreaking truth behind why cancer is so rapidly spreading. and why the falsecures have been perpetuated. i hope this side of the history equation helpsyou understand the foundation of why things arethe way they are.
you’ve seen the shocking decisions concerningthe nuremburg trials, where the vilest of crimes were praised, and that evil intentopened a floodgate of deception that led to the creation of a system that sought not to eradicate disease, but rather amplify it throughdisseminating false solutions for the sake of perpetual monetary gain. you’ve seen the doctors who, rather thanbeing praised or awarded for their heroic deeds in healing their patients, have beenpersecuted, slandered, threatened, and, in some cases, have even had their patient recordsdestroyed, their practice shut down, they’ve been imprisoned, even run out ofa country, and have had their families undergo
harassment and heartache for their loyaltyto the cause. you’ve seen the children thathave been forced to chemotherapy against their wishes and their parents wishes,regardless of their level of expertise or the effectiveness of their desired natural,proven protocol. you’ve seen the proof that corruption, greed, coercion, deception, and fear have been tools employed to create a system that leavespeople confused and afraid, rather than empowered. the great news today is that we have won thebattle in your life as you have discovered the truth. and as it’s said, “the truth will setyou free.â€
i’m so happy thatyou’ve experienced this and that through you, your loved ones too will know the truthabout cancer. i know you felt the hope and courage in thestories of the survivors that have recovered taking a natural approach, achieving featsunheard of by conventional methods of treatment. isn’t it wonderful to see real life proof? it warms my heart to see lives restored. i hope that you’ve enjoyed learning thesethings. and while they may be difficult to hear,it does bring us to the central truth that cancer, is in fact, not a death sentence.
in lightof this truth that we have established, you can give yourself one of the greatest giftsin this moment and that is the peace that resultswhen you are free from fear. you do nothave to live in fear. you can prevent and beat cancer. in this episode, we’re going to cover alot of ground. we’re going to travel to australia and get some survivor stories and some treatment protocols currently being used there. we’re going to learn a little bit abouthormones, we’re going to dive into essential oils
and we’re going to tackle a biggie, breast cancer. october is breast cancer awareness month andthere are a lot of lies and deceptions associated with breast cancer. we’re going to try to get to the truth. but first of all we’re going to takea step back. we’re going to answer the question, “whatis cancer, and why does it spread?†what, exactly, is cancer? dr. bita badakhshan: basically cancer is abnormalgrowth of cells. basically they lose theirapoptosis, programmed cell death.
they don’t die, they become immortal. your body’simmune system usually takes care of the abnormal cells in your body. we all have about 10,000 to 100,000 abnormalcells every day, but our immune system’s job is toget rid of those cells. if your immune system is perfect, if you don’thave a virus that it is already trying to fight, if you don’t havetoo many chemicals or other stuff going on inyour body. then they keep growing and growing, increasingin number and then you get
a tumor. ty: so the tumor really is the result of alot of years of things going wrong. dr. bita badakhshan: suppression of the immunesystem, exactly. dr. linda isaacs: cancer is a condition wheresome cells in the body are no longer responding tothe signals that tell them when to quit. in other words, most cells that have a purposefor developing, they develop to a certain pointand then they stop. cancer cells keep reproducing, so they keepgrowing and they can spread to other places.
that’s what’s called a metastasis. cancer cells have escaped the normal controlsfor regulation and how big a set, a bunch of cells is supposed to become. dr. aleksandra niedzwiecki: cancer is a processthat occurs in our body all the time. as we aresitting and talking, there are cancer cells that are constantly created in our body. they donot always lead to the development of cancer because our immune system finds them asabnormal cells and eliminates them. a cancer cell is a cell that escaped biologicalcontrol to which all normal cells in our body
are subject to. a cancer cell divides indefinitely. and also, cancer cells are immortal. they never die because the genetic programthat regulates the life and death cycle in thosecells has been damaged. cancer cells also have another ability. they are not happy sitting in one spot inour body. they invade our organs and also they metastasize,which means that they escape to other organs.
metastasis is the most dangerous process ofcancer, because nine out of ten patients die of metastasis, not of primarycancer. ty: so cancer results from a failure of theimmune system, and the majority of cancer patients do not die from the primary tumor,they die from the spreading or the metastasis of cancer. it seems like we should be focusing on howto stop the cancer from spreading, doesn’t it? if our army wants to stop the invasion offoreign troops, it must be able to communicate with each other.
otherwise we can’t stop the invasion. the same goes for our ownpersonal army, the immune system. if our immune cells cannot communicate, wecannot stop the invasion of cancer. dr. irina kossovskaia: cancer, by nature ofthe thing, is the major breakdown of systemic communication. what happens with the cancer, as you probablyknow, is the body does not see the growing tissue. we all grow a little cancer in our bodiesmany times a year,
maybe sometimes once a day. however, this growth is always controlledby the general regulation and management system of the body. the body is computerized, so when the communicationis running correctly, our lines of communication areopen. then the body detects that growth at anearly stage and suppresses it. however, when the lines are broken that’swhen it happens that the body does not see the developing tissue until it is too late. if the body is not aware of the growing tissue,if
the communication is broken, burning the cancerout of the body is not going to help because if it’s burned in one place, itwill come up somewhere else— ty: because the communication hasn’t beenfixed. dr. irina kossovskaia: of course! you’ve probably met many cancer survivorsor sufferers who have had cancer several times. treated conventionally, it will come up somewhereelse because it is a systemic thing. mike adams: cancer is a failure of the body’sown cells to communicate with each other
properly. genetics plus intercellular communication. cancer is the mal-expression or theinappropriate expression of your dna. it is not something that has invaded you fromthe outside so you cannot look at cancer with a paradigm of carpet bombing your body,declaring war on an invader. it is not aninvader. it is something internally that is not communicatingcorrectly at a cellular level. so you need to become whole. you need to heal, not destroy, in order toovercome
cancer. there may be extreme cases where there isa tumor that is so large that it is pressing onan artery or a nerve or something like that where it has to be physically removed. iunderstand that. i’m not saying surgery doesn’t have anyplace at all; it can have its place. but even then,the surgery is only a temporary solution. you still have to address what has led tothat tumor in the first place.
g. edward griffin: the present orthodox viewis that cancer is a lump or bump. that’s the cancer. if that is the assumption, if that is true,then to get rid of cancer all you have to do is getrid of the lump or the bump. hence, we have surgery. well, that gets rid of the lump or the bump. or we havechemotherapy which poisons the lump or the bump and we got rid of it. or we haveradiation which burns it and got rid of it.
you undergo these three therapies and if youget rid of the lump or the bump, the doctor will say “it looks like we got it all.†that famous line, “we got it all.†but did they? no. statistics show that in most cases, it comesback. they didn’t get it all because that wasnever the cancer in the first place. if you’re a farmer and you see all theselittle black spots on your corn leaves, you think,“well, those are black spots, that’s the
disease,†and you get the scissors out andyou cut all the black spots off and you say, “wellwe got it all alright.†no, you didn’t, because thatwasn’t the disease. what caused those black spots is still present. dr. ben johnson: there are so many thingsthat cause cancer. number one, you’ll never have anoncologist ask, “what caused this? let’s get rid of what caused this.†you’ll never hearthat question. they only have one thing and that is, killcancer cells.
what caused the cancer cells? why did this occur in the body? obviously the immunesystem was suppressed, so are we going to unsuppress the immune system? are wegoing to stimulate the immune system back into action? are we going to lower nagalasecounts from viruses and cancer cells so that the body’s own defenses, the macrophageactivating factor, can work? there are many things to do other than justgive a poison to the body to kill cancer cells.
we have to orchestrate healing here. dr. bita badakhshan: i think one of the mainthings is viruses. we do see a lot of different kinds ofviruses in patients with cancer, not only hpv or herpes. you see mono, epstein-barrvirus. i have a handful of patients with breast cancerwho have parasites. when they do acoffee enema or garlic enema, they can actually see the worms coming out. and whatdoes a parasite do to your body?
it suppresses the immune system! there are somedoctors who believe you develop cancer because of the parasite. some believe it’scandida, fungus, yeast, but i think everything has to do with it. dr. howard fisher: we start to look at someother numbers. eighteen (18) percent of all cancersare caused by infection. no one talks about that! ty: 18 percent?
dr. howard fisher: 18 percent. 23 percent of all cancers are related to obesity. no one ever talksabout that because obesity is running amuck right now. this year, overweight andobesity in the us alone will hit 75 percent with 41 percent being obese. they’ve alreadydoctored the numbers, the body mass index, for declaration of that. then we look at the other environmental factorsand they lump that into 41 percent of all
cancers are due to environmental factors. so then we’re looking at an unknown 18percent. this 18 percent that we’re looking at couldbe genetics – small, 5 to 10 percent – or justother factors whether it’s ambient environmental radiation, nonionizing, unlikely it’sionizing, but that can all be lumped in there into these same factors. ty: is there a link between obesity and cancer? dr. joseph mercola: well, i think it goes—ty: you mentioned insulin resistance as well. dr. joseph mercola: yeah, i think it goesback to of insulin resistance.
there are some studiesthat show correlation. correlation of course is not causation. the central roles orwhatever contributes to obesity most likely contributes to other diseases. it could be allthe other chronic degenerative diseases like heart disease and alzheimer’s and diabetes. cancer is just one of those. it’s exactly what you’d expect when you’renot giving your body what it needs.
but insulin resistance is the core, absolutelythe core. i’ve known this for 20 years. i’m grateful to dr. ron rosehill, the physicianwho taught me and helped me to appreciate and understandthat. that has really been one of theprimary focuses of the way i’ve treated patients, to understand strategies to addressinsulin resistance. there is no question in my mind that the singlemost effective intervention i’ve ever seen to address insulin resistance is intermittentfasting – with the right foods ideally. thatintermittent fasting…
you might say, “well i’ve got to eat everytwo hours, otherwise i’ll pass out. i’ll go with no energy.†and yes, that’s what happens because yourbody is used to that sugar high and you can’t burnfat. but once you make that transition, itliterally is nothing short of magical. your body is not hungry anymore. it just isn’t hungry. we were never designed to sit down all daylong.
this is another problem. when you’resitting down it causes massive challenges in your system which it was never designedto do. we were never designed to sit for eight orten hours a day, so that’s why i think it’s reallygood to get up and walk a few miles a day, 7,000 to 10,000 steps a day or more inaddition to an exercise program. it’s not just exercise, it’s movementthat is so critical. it doesn’t have to be walking just as longas you’re moving. we need regular movementthroughout the day, not just one hour a day
at the gym.ty: wow, that’s great information from dr. mercola on obesity and the link that it hasto cancer. now, infections, parasites, viruses, fungi,and environmental toxins: these all are some ofthe causes of cancer. why? because they compromise the immune system. again, theimmune system is key. but what about genetics? isn’t genetics the main cause of cancer?
you’ve got badgenes, right? it’s just bum luck. that’s what many oncologists would tellyou, but the fact of the matter is, that’s not true. dr. fisher didn’t just pull that five percentstatistic out of midair. he actually got it from theamerican cancer society’s very own website. ty: speaking of genetics, we’ve all heardstories about people that have the brca gene andthey are afraid that they are going to get breast cancer because of this.
angelina jolie isa prime example. but was she misled? was she misled by oncologists that told herthat her only hope to avoid breast cancer was to remove both breasts? did she choose this treatment becauseof a fear factor? dr. nalini chilkov: that’s completely fearbased and it’s also because the media hypes that up,especially for a famous person like angelina jolie who has a double mastectomy. but thekind of cancer that she had is less than five
percent of all women with breast cancers. soto remove your breast is, i think, barbaric. it’s really barbaric. epigenetics, if people don’t know what thatmeans, means that something will act upon your genes. so epigenetics are like your software, somethinghas to open it up and read it. you could have a toxic chemical in the environmentthat opens up some cancer genes and turns them on, but we could also turnthose off with plant medicine.
that is muchmore powerful that just trying to kill cancer cells. bob wright: doctors would like you to believethat cancer is genetic, that we’ve got genetic abnormalities and cancer rises from a geneticpredisposition or a break in your dna or whatever it might be. but it’s not true. it’s actually been proven that it’s nottrue and doctors should in fact know this, but theydon’t. let’s say that your body and your geneticsis the computer. that’s the hardware.
peoplecan understand this. the epigenetics is the software. the software runs the hardware. we know that from computers. we don’t seem to understand that with thehuman body. what we need to do is not dwell upon the geneticsbut on the epigenetics. in otherwords, what works that computer? if the software is working, generally thehardware is working.
ty: our last question. you wrote a book called what angelina shouldhave known and didn’t know. what should she have known? ard pisa: i feel very sorry for her becauseshe has removed healthy breasts. can you imagine, ty,you removed your manhood, your healthy manhood because of fear? it’s crazy. but shethought this was the only way for prevention.
but there is another way for prevention becauseshe should have known that our genes do not control life. you can activate genes and deactivate them. if we deactivate ourgenes with our healthy lifestyle, we do not get cancer. that’s what she should haveknown. dr. joseph mercola: it’s not so much thatwe’re born with this gene that’s going to give us breastcancer. it’s that our epigenetic, our environmentalinfluences – the food that we eat, the
actions we do or don’t do, the toxins we’reexposed with – turns those genes on or off. you don’t have to worry about these inheritedgenes that may cause you to do a prophylactic double mastectomy. that’s just insanity from my perspectiveand it’s an irrational fear, if you appreciate and fullyunderstand the amazing regenerative capacity that your body has if it’s given the propertools. dr. rob verkerk: one of the major problemsthat we have in terms of our old understanding ofgenetics is that people believed that if they were born, say as a woman with a brcagene, that might increase their risk of breast
cancer, they have not been told andcertainly wouldn’t expect to hear from their doctor that the way they live their life willalter the expression of those genes and their riskof cancer. dr. veronique desaulniers: the brca gene scarewas really quite a hollywood hype last year and i’m not judging her. she saw her mother die a very horrible death,but there was a lot of misinformation. the brca genes are actually cancer-protectivegenes. they help to repair dnadamage, so the brca gene, if it mutates, then
it can cause a problem possibly, but whatcauses it to mutate? look at the foods. look at the radiation. brca genes are tumorsuppressive, protective genes. ty: so do you inherit breast cancer genes? is it inherited? is it genetic? dr. veronique desaulniers: you know that’sthe big thing. “well my mother had breast cancer soi’m probably going to have breast cancer.†but, we now know through the study of epigenetics,which is the science of looking into
gene expression, and nutrigenomics which isthe study of food, we know that we can change our gene expression by what we eat,how we sleep or don’t sleep, how we manage or don’t manage our stress, the foodsthat we eat. something as simple as curcumin can help to really turn on the cancer-protective genes and change those geneexpressions. ty: wow, bet you’ve never heard that before,that the brca gene can actually protect you from breast cancer. it does not necessarily cause breast cancer. now, october is breast cancer awareness month.
“think pink,†“run for the cure.†yousee all of these different campaigns that are aimed at bringing awareness to breastcancer, which is not necessarily a bad thing. we want to bring awareness to cancer aswell. however, let’s look at the history of breastcancer awareness month through the eyes of erin elizabeth. erin elizabeth: yeah, so it is breast cancerawareness month and it’s interesting how the wholestory started with the pink ribbon that you were mentioning.
it actually used to be a peach ribbon andit was a woman named charlotte haley who had started that grassroots movement. her whole objective was to get the word outthat so little money was spent on prevention, firstof all, not just research, but with prevention and that’s still the case today. even with research not much of the money thatthey’ll raise during the month of october is really even spent in research because ofso much overhead. so yeah, it’s a realshame. but, what most people don’t know is thatback in ’92 this little old lady started
agrassroots movement with her peach ribbons, which she was giving out to people. shegave out five at a time with a little note and it really took off. she wanted people to beaware, not so much of just breast cancer itself, but of preventing breast cancer in the firstplace. then estee lauder and self magazine came alongand they wanted to use her ribbon. i think they were shocked when she said, “no,i’m not going to support these corporations turning my grassroots movementinto this thing that really became more
about making money.†and today, even when i was doing some researchon it, “i’ll try to find her nameand pink ribbons,†you keep getting these estee lauder ads selling their expensive—nowthey’ve got diamond encrusted ribbons you can buy. it really seems like it’s beenexploited. it’s ironic that you have susan g. komenor estee lauder or kentucky fried chicken and susan g. komen doing joint ventureswith the pink ribbon, which really boils down to that these corporations that are notreally healthy are—it’s a bit hypocritical thatthey are trying to be out there selling the
pink ribbon and saying they are all aboutcuring breast cancer. jordan s. rubin: we go around and celebratewearing pink socks and pink ribbons and buying pink lemonade on the airline to contributeto cancer. it sure does! it’s ridiculous. i coachyouth sports. i won’t wear pink! i won’t put pink on. i don’t believe in that.
becausethe pharmaceutical intervention, conventional methods are not saving lives! dr. darrell wolfe: so now we’re going toend the war on cancer so we’re going to get everybodyinvolved. we’re going to get them to run for it, we’regoing to get them to jump for it. we’re going to get them to pray for it. we’re going to get them to beg for it. so noweverybody—you can’t go anywhere without giving money at—i can’t buy grocerieswithout somebody wanting money from me.
valerie warwick, r.n.: with all the moneythat we’re pouring into “relay for life,†“the komen†really hasn’t helped change things for the patients. ty: you saw that first hand as an oncologynurse for 17 years. valerie warwick, r.n.: i did. ty: it’s not on the camera, but you gotsome really neon pink tennis shoes on. but whatabout the pink movement, right, the breast cancer pink movement? what’s your take onthe october “get your mammogramâ€â€¦? dr. veronique desaulniers: its focus is onbreast “cancer†awareness instead of breast
healthawareness, and the pink movement really has caused so much fear and so muchmisinformation when it comes to breast cancer in women. there are so many mythsinvolving breast cancer. ty: dr. v. just mentioned breast cancer myths. during breast cancer awareness month wealways hear, “early detection is your best protection.†everyone knows that, for breastcancer, mammograms are the best way to early detect – or is this a myth?
dr. martin bales: there has been at leasttwo studies, very large, that have come out on thelimitations of mammography. one of them was a canadian study, i believe. it was 20 or25 years that they’ve watched in the past that found no benefit. also the lancet, which is a large britishjournal equivalent to our journal of american medical association or jama, came out andsaid that there is really no benefit at all todoing, and possibly some harm. the harm being it is ionizing radiation, whichwe know
isn’t the best for us. and also again with the pancake smasher, ifyou do have a cancer and you smash that wall that the body has put around it, areyou spreading the disease that way? i don’tknow, but i don’t want to find out. ty: well yeah, and that’s the lancet, right? that’s pretty reputable. dr. martin bales: yeah it’s pretty reputableand also the bmj, the british medical journal, ibelieve, did a write-up as well. so that’s two or three very reputable internationallypublished journals.
dr. leonard coldwell: early detection justmeans early death, because the earlier they find it, theearlier they start cutting you, the earlier they start treating you with chemotherapyand radiation, and the earlier you die. breast cancer grows seven to twelve yearsto a size in the breast that you can even diagnose it. so there is no rush. you know they find breast cancer – oh youhave to go and get surgery tomorrow morning!ty: a lot of pressure.
dr. leonard coldwell: a lot of pressure becausethey don’t want you to get basically the time toget educated and educate yourself. so let’s talk about this early detection. imagine your lymph system. you have four times lymph liquid more thanblood. so yourlymph system, your lymph nodes are there to neutralize poison. it’s like when you havetonsillitis there are the big lymph nodes and then they are just working hard.
it’s not a bad thing, it’s a good thingshowing, “oh, the tonsils caught all these poisonsand basically they are just diluting it and neutralizing it and then getting rid of it.†so when you have that, ty… and imagine, like a pimple that is ready toburst, now the lymph node in the breast might be workinghard and being inflamed and looks like a pimple that’s getting ready to burst. so now they put 50 pounds of pressure on it…ty: that makes sure it bursts. dr. leonard coldwell: ...that makes sure itbursts.
dr. ben johnson: we as a medical society aregiving women breast cancer with our demanding that they get mammograms. mammograms cause breast cancer. period. somammograms are not healthy for women. women should not be getting routinemammograms. that’s crystal clear, published in the peerreview literature. and yet today, if a woman went to her gynecologist,her family doc, she would have this shoved down her throat, extreme coercion togo get this mammogram that is causing ty: wow!
what a telling quote from dr. ben johnsonthat mammograms are actually causing now in that respect, i guess they are sortof similar to chemotherapy, because chemotherapy actually causes cancer. in last night’s episode, we learned thestory of dr. farid fata that was diagnosing peoplewith cancer that didn’t even have cancer and then prescribing chemotherapy. i guess youcould say he was over-diagnosing them. what about mammograms? is mammography prone to diagnose women withbreast
cancer that don’t even have breast cancer? are we being told the whole truth about thisissue? sayer ji: there has been a manipulation ofthe science and there has been a very dangerous thing called over-diagnosis that has reallyafflicted millions of women over the past 30years, especially for breast cancer. what they’ve done is that they convincewomen that if they were to basically subscribe toan x-ray mammography screening, even though they have no symptoms, that ultimatelythat would help them in the long run. they’d have a lower risk of cancer becausethey’d
find it early. ty: “early detection is your best protection.†sayer ji: exactly. they even equated this meme with preventionwhen in fact you’re exposing your breast to a type of radiation that is actuallyknown to have a higher risk of causing cancer in the breast, especially if you have thebrca 1 and 2 gene, mutations that everyone isso concerned about. they make it harder for you to damage, radiate,to protect yourself from radiation induced damage.
so over-diagnosis, according to a recent studydone in the new england journal of medicine, over the past30 years in the united states resulted in 1.3million women being diagnosed with early stage breast cancer that technically never hadany type of cancer that would have caused harm. this is called ductal carcinoma in situ, orstage zero cancer, which they equated with actual cancer, which now we know is not. so what that basically meant is that theywould give them the standard mastectomy or lumpectomywith radiation, with chemotherapy, things like tamoxifen, and then follow uphormone suppressive therapies like
arimidexâ®. basically what we’re dealing with here isa kind of medical holocaust of sorts. thosewomen now had to deal with being diagnosed with a cancer they didn’t have, beingtreated for it, having the stigma and all the psycho-spiritual-emotional stress thatis caused by that. and then, statistically, the industry toldthem that they saved their lives, when in fact quitethe opposite had happened. so they identify with the aggressor like astockholm
syndrome, and millions of people march inthese breast cancer awareness marches not realizing that it is funded by the very corporationsthat make money off the drugs used to treat breast cancer. we’re talking about astrazeneca, which isactually a derivative of imperial chemical industries who started breast cancer awarenessmonth in the ‘80s, and it has a patent or had the patent for tamoxifen and arimidexâ®. it’s a vicious circle of brainwashing,and it is used to cover up really of what has cost the lives of hundreds of thousandsof women ultimately.
brenda michaels: my perception was not quite there when i was diagnosed the first and second time, but the third time when i was told that i had abouta year to live if i was unwilling to do thechemo, which i had been all along. and that thecancer would metastasize and maybe within a year, there would be no hope for me. thatstirred something very deep inside of me and i began to awaken. it was not an easy journey. i still had my fears.
i still had days where i was just—i feltlike maybe it was easier to die than it was tolive. i went through all of that. but all along,underneath all that was this guidance that i had never opened up to before, but i wasbeginning to follow. that guidance just step-by-step, day-by-day,it led me, and it saved my life. ty: but they said—so it was late stage. brenda michaels: yes.
ty: and supposedly terminal. you had less than a year to live. they thought they could maybe give me fiveyears. that was a maybe. maybe. but without it, they thought that within ayear they were pretty sure it would metastasize and there would be nothing theycould do. i was learning to trust that information andtrust my body, and my body was giving me signals.
because when i asked about chemotherapy, ty,i would get this real deep clenching in my gut, sometimes almost painful. and then when i would say something like – becausei didn’t know what to do, i had no idea there was an alternative out there ofany kind – i would say something like, “if therewas something out there better for me, would that be helpful?†and that clenching wouldjust completely release. so i knew, even though i didn’t know whereto go and what to do, i knew i couldn’t walk the path theywere asking me. ty: you knew there must be a better way.
wow, that’s an encouraging story from brendamichaels who healed her breast cancer naturally. and it is a stark contrast to a story thati saw recently on hbo. it was a documentary special on cancer anda lady had been diagnosed with cancer in her left breast and she had had it surgicallyremoved. you see her later in the showweeping. she’s got a scar on her breast and she saysshe looks like frankenstein, and then she says, “and now we’re going tostart radiation next week.†i was so saddened for her, because the ladydid not know that she had options. she didnot have the knowledge that you are gaining
through watching this show. much likebrenda michaels, dr. veronique desaulniers was aware of the options she had. dr.veronique was diagnosed with breast cancer and she treated and beat it. dr. veronique desaulniers: as a woman, itwas so shocking for me because i was the one thatwas helping my patients get well and reversing all these various diseases in my practice. so when i discovered that i had breast cancer,it was really a blow to my ego, for one,
and it was also a big wakeup call for me. i thought i had the world by the tail andi realized that obviously, if my body allowedthe cancer to grow, there was something that iwas missing. i had to really look at my life. i had to look at how i was managing my stress. i had to lookat putting pieces of the puzzle together that obviously i’d missed. so it really led medown a path of soul searching and really digging
deep. there were a lot of tearful days, a lot oftearful nights, but like i tell my clients today, youhave to transform the whole person. it’s not just the physical lump or bump,you have to heal the whole body and that means heart,soul, mind, spirit – everything. because if youkeep doing the things you’ve always done, you’re going to continue to get the sameresults. you know, why? why and how?
if that could happen to somebody like me,who was doing so many things that were right, thenhow much more so could other women be vulnerable to this “dis-ease†in theirbody, and just helping them to understand that it’sjust the tip of the iceberg. cancer is not the disease itself. it’s just the tip of the icebergthat shows you that there’s so many underlying things. because you have to be sick inorder to develop cancer. you know you don’t get cancer and then you’resick.
yourbody’s already sick and it’s compromised. your immune system’s weak. you’re toxic. you’re stressed out. and that’s how cancer develops. so it’s displacing that myth and that fearthat cancer’s just something that gets you. it’ssomething that develops over a period of time. you’re not a victim of it. you have a lot ofcontrol over it.
one of the reasons i’m doing the work thati’m doing is because there’s so much information out there and where does one personstart? do i detox first? do i do this? doi do that? what herbs do i take? i developed a program. it’s a seven step program calledthe seven essentials. it’s so simple that anybody can apply it.
so the first one, essential number one is“let food be your medicine.†we know thatfood has a huge impact on our genetic expression. we know that it can literally turn onspecific cancer-protective genes, we know that through the science of epigenetics andnutrigenomics. number two is to detox. to reduce your toxic exposure. we live in a toxicworld, we can’t deny that, but there are things that you can do specifically to helpsupport the detoxification pathways in your body andto prevent all the toxins from entering into
your body. essential number three is to balance yourenergy. we are energetic beings, and so whatcan you do to keep that electricity and that energy flowing properly? chiropractic care,acupuncture, exercise, proper sleep, making sure that your hormones are balanced, because hormones are very key in so many hormone-driven cancers. essential number four is to heal your emotionalwounds. learn to nurture yourself and to loveyourself, to forgive yourself and others. manage your stress better.
let go of the past,because if you keep stuffing those emotions inside, are going to grow a tumor. you eithergrow your life or you grow a tumor. so you have to change that emotional component. essential number five is to look at biologicaldentistry because your teeth have a huge impact on your health. your teeth are connected to your organs throughyour meridian system. what you have in your teeth affects your health,because if you have toxic
amalgams in there it’s causing toxicityin the body. and then we look essential number six whichis specific herbs and supplements and vitamins that can really reduce your toxicload, that can help heal the cancer, actually killcancer cells, and boost your immune system. lastly, essential number seven in really practicingtrue prevention. traditional medicine,unfortunately, does not really teach prevention and does not know about prevention. there are many, many ways and different technologiesthat can detect cancer when it’s at the size of a pinhead instead of waitinguntil it’s the size of a lump or a bump
that youcan detect on an x-ray or on a mammogram. thermography, for example, can read the physiologicalchanges that are going on in the body. there are specific blood tests like the cancerprofile which measures the hcg hormones, and the phi which is a malignancyhormone, tk1 enzyme, the oncoblot⮠test which can also determine cancer whenit’s just the size of a pinhead in the body. that’s true prevention. if you can stay on top of your health by monitoring,and not just guessing about your health, but making sure that you’re movingin the right direction, there is no reason
tofear cancer. ty: i agree 100 percent with dr. v. there is no reason to fear cancer. she just shared with uswhat she calls her seven essentials. 1. the number one essential is let food be thymedicine. 2. number two is detox. 3.
number three is balance your energy. 4. number four is healing emotional wounds. 5. number five is biological dentistry. 6. number six is specific herbs, supplements,and vitamins. and7. is true prevention. now over the next few days we’ll be coveringall of these seven essentials.
the last one that dr. v. mentioned was trueprevention and she also mentioned thermograms. we’re about to hear from dr. martin baleswhose father was a pioneer in the digital photography industry. that’s what a thermogram is, by the way. a mammogram is not necessarily the best wayto detect breast cancer. there are otherways that are much better, they are superior. one of them is thermography. you’re goingto demonstrate a thermographic machine for
us today and talk about that. dr. martin bales: i will. my father actually invented the first all-digitalinfrared camera in 1979, but it wasn’t for anything with body or health. it was actually for our defense. it was used inmissile detection back in afghanistan. ty: so it was looking for heat. dr. martin bales: it was looking for heat,for missiles. it used to be that you had to track themissiles going across the sky manually.
now with our warheads it does automatically. in the early 80s a group of doctors approachedmy father. “we’ve heard that the bodyobviously has circulation. we can diagnose a lot of diseases by seeingwhere there are hot spots or where there is cold.†he said “okay, i’ll make a medical versionfor you.†ty: really? that’s fascinating. but the first one was missile detection.
okay. dr. martin bales: first was missile detection. yeah. basically it can be used in any part of thebody. probably, as most people have heard, the breastthermography is the most popular. it is really limited as far as cancer to breastand possibly some skin cancer because it is skin deep. it doesn’t look like for the liver or otherorgans.
it’s a great way. it’s completely painless. the ladies like because there’s no pancakesmasher, as they say. there is no ionizing radiation so it can bedone as little or as often as one wants. it is just in a cooled room. all cancers go through a process called neoangiogenesis, which is new blood vessel growth. because the cancers grow faster than healthytissue around them, they have to
have their own discreet blood supply afterthey are a couple of years older. it turns out that when most breast cancers– not all of them, there are a few that are fastgrowing, most of them are actually quite slow growing – to become the size of the pea,it’s between eight and ten years. so if we can catch them in year one or twowhen they are just getting that new blood vessel supply while the blood vessels arewarm, that’s how thermography is picking themup. mammography is about two thirds accurate atfinding them when they are pea size, so they are already eight years old.
we’re going more from a prevention standpoint. if we find something early on, we canchange diet and lifestyle, perhaps do some of the therapies you’ve discussed here asopposed to, “okay, you’ve already had something for eight years and you’re alreadyin this bucket. what can we do?†ty: thermography really seems to be a greatway to early detect cancer, doesn’t it? dr. v.also mentioned essential number one, which was “let food be thy medicine.â€
do youremember in mary poppins the song, “a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine godown?†is this an oxymoron? dr. veronique desaulniers: if there is onefood that women need to avoid if they are on a breastcancer healing journey, it’s sugar. we know that sugar feeds cancer. cancer cells havemore insulin receptor sites than a healthy cell, so the first cells that get fed withsugar is the cancer cells.
dr. leigh erin connealy: cancers like sugar,right, even though the doctors don’t tell you that. ithink the doctors tell you, “oh you can eat anything.†well first of all, it’s all over the worldabout how you treat illness whether it’s cancer, heart disease, you’ve got to getoff sugar! sugar is a poison for all of us. k.c. craichy: so sugar we talk about as a big problem.
yes, it’s a big problem. sugar iswonderful, everybody likes sugar. i like sugar, but i choose not to thrive onsugar. see,sugar should have been in our fun foods – building blocks, fuel, and fun. fun foods that every now and then you havesugar. but these patients are often in animmunocompromised state to start with. some of the treatments they are getting aretaking their immunity down to almost nothing. and then they are throwing sugar in on topof that which directly feeds the problem but
it also directly takes a whack at the immunity. it’s a terrible cycle that people need toconsider. valerie warwick, r.n.: the key to overcomingcancer and getting your health back is in your gutand in your immune system. if you destroy your immune system, that’sthe very thing that you need to heal. so you may kill the cancer cells in your bodywith the chemo because, yes, it’s going to kill those, it’s goingto kill everything. it’s like dropping an a-bomb onyour body and then expecting health to rebound,
when really when you know in agarden, when you fill it with pesticides, all you’re going to get back is weeds. so youneed to rebuild your immune system and support your body in healing itself because itknows how to do that. ty: so the key to healing is to quit poisoningourselves with chemotherapy, quit intaking sugar, because the truth is both chemo andsugar are oncogenic. they cause cancer. ifan oncologist tells you otherwise, they’re lying to you.
there are a lot of lies and misconceptionsabout bioidentical hormones. have you heardthat they cause cancer? have you heard that they prevent cancer? i’ve heard both, butthey both can’t be true. let’s listen to dr. jonathan wright explain. bioidentical hormones: do they cause cancer? dr. jonathan wright: okay. let’s see. did your own hormones cause you cancer yet?
bioidentical hormones are no more dangerous,and no more safe, than a person’s own hormones when they’ve got hormones. we’ve got to admit that young women do getbreast cancer in their 30s – occasionally, it’s not very often, so there is a littlehazard. that’s from her own hormones. i’m sorry. it is—estrogen related cancer is from herown hormones. but funny thing, thereare lots of research papers that say that’s because she’s not metabolizing her hormonesproperly.
dr. veronique desaulniers: breast cancer mythnumber one is that women’s hormones cause that’s the biggest fallacy ever! first of all, if our hormones cause cancer,then every 20-year-old on the planet would have cancer. so it’s not our hormones, it’s what weare exposed to. look at the xenoestrogens in the chemicalestrogens in the environment – the chemicals, the pesticides, the herbicides, the metalsin our teeth, the antiperspirants. those metalsare actually classified as metalloestrogens and mimic and stimulate estrogen productionin the body.
that’s one aspect. secondly, if a woman has a problem metabolizingor breaking down her estrogens properly, then the more aggressive estrogenswill circulate in the body. there is a way tosupport that methylation process, which doctors don’t even talk about. ty: dr. v. just mentioned xenoestrogens. what exactly was she talking about? dr. roby mitchell: because of our exposureto environmental and pharmaceutical estrogens, thathas the effect of throwing more gasoline on
the fire. some of the pesticides, fungicidesthat we use, they have an estrogen effect. these are what we call xenoestrogens, xenomeaning “foreign.†dr. nalini chilkov: we’re not designed tobe ingesting or be exposed to molecules that aren’t fromnature. some of those we can’t even excrete themor some of those molecules in food growing, commercial food growing like thepesticides and the herbicides, they act like hormones. they are turning on hormone-like activitieswhich are proliferative, which
make cells grow. this is one of the reasons we have so muchbreast cancer and prostate cancer, hormone driven cancers. people don’t realize other cancers haveestrogen receptors: colon cancer, pancreatic cancer, and lung canceralso have estrogen receptors, and so pesticides and herbicides will grow thosecancers as well. you don’t want that kind ofsignaling. plastics also have this hormone-like effect. ty: not only are breast cancer and prostatecancer driven by estrogen, but also colon,
lung,and pancreatic cancer. dr. nalini just mentioned plastic. what many people don’t realizeis that in almost every bottle of water, in the plastic content there is the chemicalcalled bpa. that’s bisphenol a and it is a xenoestrogen. in other words, it’s a foreign estrogenand it is known to cause cancer. an interesting thing that i’ve seen duringbreast cancer awareness month specifically isbottles of water that have a pink ribbon on
in light of the fact that the plastic mightbe causing breast cancer, isn’t that a littlebit contradictory or ironic? xenoestrogens, likebpa in the plastic, actually throw the hormone balance out of whack. what many peopledon’t realize is that essential oils can balance the hormones. ty: what are essential oils? let’s go back to the basics. dr. eric zielinksi: essential oil is a volatileorganic compound and what i think what people
needto recognize when it comes to an essential oil, there is no nutrition in it. there is novitamin or mineral. it is a chemical that essentially god gaveto the plant to protect the plant from outside threats, whether it’sbacteria, viruses, fungus or even infectors likeflies, bees, whatever that might attack the plant. what it includes are organic compounds – notorganic as we think meaning organic, having a carbon chain included in it – organiccompounds like terpenes, alcohols,
ketones, esters and you name it – is basicallychemicals. ty: from the plant. dr. eric zielinksi: from the plant. natural chemicals from the plant. god inspired the writers of thebible long ago when he said “the leaves of the trees are for the healing of the nations.†that’s exactly what this is. ty: that’s essential oils. dr. eric zielinksi: exactly.
there is no oil for one specific issue. what we have found, and this is pretty fascinating,is that… let’s use the ayurvedic model, indian folk medicine for example. there is an abundance of lemons in india,so you’ll find that the indians use lemon essential oil for virtually everything: detoxification,internally, externally – whether or not you are going to clean the counter, or whetheror not you want to clean your skin. theyuse the essential oils from lemon for everything from nausea to halitosis to diabetes tocancer. when you go to australia, they are using melaleucaand tea tree and eucalyptus.
you goto oregon and washington, they are using peppermint for everything. it’s important torealize that these oils, a lot of them do the same things. when i report on research, it islimited because we’ve only done a limited amount of research, but as far as i know thereis no essential oil that does not have a cancer effect. i just recently read a report of over 130research articles regarding essential oils, andwhat the researchers came about was: what
essential oils do is they actually preventangiogenesis, which is the growth of veins and arteries. it stops metastatic growth. itactually prevents dna repair which is—that’s pretty key. that is really key, because there is one studythat compared sandalwood and frankincense and they found that frankincensetriggered that apoptotic effect where the cancer cell died, but sandalwood killed canceranother way, went around on the back end, in a sense and flanked it by triggeringthe actual dna to not being able to repair
itself so the cancer just died that way, too. dr. josh axe: frankincense oil – if youlook at the research today, it is probably the most powerfulessential oil if not the most powerful supplement, period, when it comes to natural cancertreatment in my opinion. ty: what’s in frankincense that makes itso good? dr. josh axe: frankincense is really highon a compound called boswellia or boswellic acid. it ishighly anti-inflammatory. it is also a very powerful antioxidant.
there are studies – thereis actually a study that came out of the uk pretty recently, showing that frankincenseoil is effective at shrinking tumors, it’s effectiveagainst ovarian cancer, colon cancer and the boswellia frankincense is a very powerfulcompound at fighting and treating cancer. one of the most incredible things about frankincenseis that the essential oils themselves are very, very small molecular compounds. almost everybody knows this, in cancer treatment,that chemotherapy is not effective at treating any sort of cancer of the brain becauseit can’t pass through the blood/brain
barrier versus frankincense oil. those compounds are so small, they can actuallypass through the blood/brain barrier and startto reduce that neural inflammation. i’ll tell you an incredible story. i was speaking recently and had somebody comeup to me at the end, after talking about essentialoils and she said, “i want—i can attest to whatyou’re talking about with frankincense oil. my husband was diagnosed with a brain tumorsix years ago and was given three months to live.
we got turned onto frankincense oil,started using it every single day. we diffused it in the home. we rubbed it on the roof ofhis mouth. it has been six years and he is still aliveand we really believe it’s because of this use of frankincense oil.†but yeah, you look in the medical studies. it is effective against alzheimer’s. it’s effectiveagainst any sort of brain inflammation and again four separate studies showing that itis
effective at treating cancer. ty: allison huish was diagnosed with braincancer at the tender age of 13, and she used frankincense oil to treat it. here is her amazing story. allison huish: i walked out of the waitingroom about an hour later to see my mom who had justhung up the phone with tears in her eyes, and she told me, “allison, you have abrainstem tumor.†i didn’t know quite what that meant. you know, at 13 years old, i just startedjunior high
school a couple of weeks prior. but i knew at that moment that my life wouldbe different from there on out. we immediately went to go see my doctor, tomy pediatric neurologist, and he showed my parents what the tumor was. basically it was a brainstem tumor, pilocyticastrocytoma is what it was, about the size of an egg andit rested on my brainstem. that next day, iwas scheduled for emergency surgery and they were able to get rid of about half mytumor.
it was very interesting. my doctor told me, “eat all of the caloriesyou can… if you’ll eatpizza, if you’ll eat ice cream,†because i was very skinny, “just get calories inyou, whatever you’ll take.†but, in our research, we learned how nutritionwas so important. i needed to give mybody good calories to help support good healthy weight gain, support the cells so i wouldfunction better. then we started doing research on what todo.
of course, many people were pushing us togo see our radiologist and go that direction. my mom and i, we did go meet with our radiologistand i still, to this day, remember sitting in that room, the feelings that ifelt in there. ty: what were they? allison huish:it was very cold. it was very cold. it was not what i wanted to do and i actuallyleft that appointment and i grabbed my mom’shand and i told my mom, “mom, this isn’t –this process isn’t – for me.â€
so she said she had also felt the same way. but we left that radiologist’s appointmentknowing, “we need something else†and that iswhere we were really drawn towards these essential oils. they kept coming across in alot of our research. we noticed how essential oils did incrediblethings. there’s medicalstudies out there showing what essential oils can do. in particular, with these essential oils wewere really drawn towards frankincense
essential oil. i love frankincense oil, a very powerful oil. i think there is a reason why it iscalled “liquid gold†or why it’s one of the oils that the christ child was given. it’s a very,very precious oil. ty: in the bible the wise men gave baby jesusthe frankincense and the myrrh. maybe theyweren’t giving him just precious gifts, they were giving him medicine. dr. josh axe:oh absolutely.
when you hear the story of the three wisemen bringing the infant jesus gold, frankincense, and myrrh,i remember years and years ago not really knowing… everyone knows what gold is, most people don’trealize what frankincense and myrrh are, but those were the two mainsources of medicine during that day. frankincense actually, at the birth of jesus,would have been used because you look at children right after they’re born, thereis oftentimes bruising and sometimes it’s atraumatic experience. so they would actually have rubbed frankincenseoil on a child,
which actually helps bring down the inflammationand swelling. also it is great for supporting and protectingthe immune system. if he was exposed todifferent types of pathogens at that time, frankincense oil really protects the body,and so absolutely, ty, frankincense oil was used. it was more than just a sweet smellingfragrance, it was a biblically-based medicine. frankincense was used along with somethingcalled the holy anointing oil, which was actually had myrrh essential oil, so whena lot of people hear frankincense also start thinking about myrrh.
myrrh is referenced over 160 times in thebible. myrrh was also—actually there’s a studyin the journal of food and chemistry and toxicology recently that found that myrrh,another essential oil that’s referenced in thebible is also effective in treating cancer. okay, because that was my next question. what about myrrh? you have thefrankincense and the myrrh, so both were medicines. both were sweet smellingfragrances. here’s something interesting that dr. sunilpai told us last year:
dr. sunil pai: what we’re looking at hereis, historically the gold may be a reference toturmeric, turmeric or curcumin, specifically the part of turmeric. but turmeric was sold andcost more than gold at the time. this was during the spice trade, at the timeof the trade route. we always nicknamed them golden spice. dr. josh axe: you could absolutely see that,that area in the middle east uses turmeric today incancer treatments.
talk about a powerful compound: frankincense,myrrh, and turmeric. ty: yeah, triple play there. dr. josh axe: oh yeah. but you look at something like myrrh and it’spowerful because it really works on the hypothalamus in the liver. it reduces liver inflammation and also balanceshormones. what happens a lot of times these cancersare estrogen-based cancers. what myrrh cando is it really supports the body very similar… if people have heard of indole-3 carbonyl,the benefits of indoles, fruits and vegetables.
ty: broccoli, right? dr. josh axe: it works very similar, but ineven more potent way to where it really helps clear thebody of excess estrogen or xenoestrogens that are found in things like soy and plasticsand paraffins today. it really helps detoxify the liver and alsoto boost a very important antioxidant called glutathione, which supportsdetoxification. that’s the way that myrrhessential oil actually helps in fighting cancer. one of the things that i’ve had my patientsdo, including my mom over time, is start creating an at-home frankincense and myrrhbody butter and body lotion.
basically, shetakes ten drops of frankincense, ten drops of myrrh, along with some coconut oil andshea butter, and makes her own at-home body lotion, and rubs her entire body with that. really, those oils—the great thing aboutessential oils is those—they’ve been used asaromatherapy. so those small compounds coming off the bodyare protecting the body. they are fighting cancer. they are doing some incredible things thereeven topically. all of my patients, or as i mentioned, mymom, take those essential oils and especially
put it around that area of the neck. when you put it on the neck and the back ofthe head, you are constantly also breathing in thosebeneficial compounds. ty: so you are not only absorbing it throughyour skin, you are breathing it as well. dr. josh axe: absolutely. and that’s a good point. your skin is your body’s largest organ andthis is why—this is the amazing thing about essentialoils. we’ve talked about frankincenseand myrrh.
other essential oils, as well, like lavenderand sandalwood are so incredible at fighting cancer. so many of these products people are usingtoday, the body lotions, makeups, moisturizers, shampoos, conditioners – theyare loaded with carcinogens. they areloaded with parabens, phthalates, and sodium lauryl sulfate, and all of these differentchemicals that cause cancer versus if people make their own, at-home, personal careproducts with essential oils rather than causing cancer they are fighting cancer. allison huish: so use a lot of oils.
i use a lot of frankincense oil. i also use clove oil. ty: how would you take it? did you ingest it or did you rub it on yourskin? allison huish: yeah. ty: or did you do the aromatherapy? how did you do that? allison huish: you know what? it was really interesting how we did it.
i did do it back here, wheremy scar is. but i don’t know how effective that wasbecause you do have a very thick skull. but, one way that i did and this was probablythe way that was most consistent is, i always put a drop of frankincense oil on mytongue and raise the tongue to the roof of mymouth. i did that probably about every two hoursbecause i figured, “hey that’s probably the closest way to get to my brain stem withoutinterfering with the bones or things like that.â€
ty: and a lot of blood vessels there, too,to absorb. allison huish: mm hmm, a lot of blood vessels,so just a lot internally. what happened wasactually quite incredible. i started to gain health pretty quickly. like i said, i started juniorhigh school when i was diagnosed just three weeks later. i came home and started toregain health after my surgery. i was able to start school again with my peersthe next semester.
that was pretty incredible. ty: that’s quick for a brain tumor. it was interesting. i was only in the hospital for about a weekand a half. most people are there for about six weeks. but once i had my tumor we started ongood nutrition, we started on oils, and i just had an amazing recovery and that tookabout three years.
it took about three years and i would go seehim. but every time i’d go see him, it justslowly was improving. it wasn’t dramatic, overnight. it was a slow, gradual process, but ittook about three years. i remember the point where i went to go seemy neurologist and he told me, “you have no more tumor. it’s completely disintegrated.†ty: wow. what did you feel like at that point?
words can’t describe it. it was just like such an emotional relief. ihad been praying and i wanted my tumor to go away and i was like “i need anotherchance at life.†so when those words were said, it was invigorating. it was like i had a new life again. iwanted to go to college. i wanted to become a registered dietician. i wanted to tell peoplemy story.
when i was told those words it was like, “thishappened.†ty: and that was at the age of 16 then? allison huish: that was about–yeah, theage of 16-17 is when that happened. ever since then,my health has just been improving. ty: wow, what an inspiring story from allisonhow she healed her brain cancer with essential another inspiring story is from dr. josh axewho actually healed his own mother’s cancer using essential oils. dr. josh axe: my mom has actually battledcancer twice. the first time was a little over 20 yearsago.
it actually came as a shock to her family. my mom was diagnosed with breastcancer at 42, and growing up, my mom was my gym teacher at school. she was a swiminstructor, so always really fit, active, and healthy, but yet diagnosed with cancer. my family lived in what i call the medicalmodel of the time. we were always takingdrugs, my mom was always taking some sort of medication. but she went and had amastectomy.
she went through rounds and rounds and roundsof chemotherapy. and, ty, i can still remember to this dayseeing my mom’s hair fall out. i rememberlooking at her after the chemo treatments and thinking that she had aged 20 years intwo weeks and saying to myself, “i never wantto see anyone have to go through that again.†that really drove me to being a physician,seeing how sick she was. so she was diagnosed as being cancer-freeand healthy but really, for the next ten years after she went through chemotherapy, she wasreally sicker than ever. she spent half ofher days in bed, even after—i remember she’d
get home from work at 3:30 and sleep tillsix every night. she struggled with depression. she struggled with chronic fatigue,anxiety issues, and leaky gut, digestive issues; just sick all the time. ten years later, i was actually working asa nutritionist in orlando and finishing up mydoctorate and she called and said, “hey i’ve been diagnosed with cancer again. what doi do?†i flew home from florida to ohio and we satdown and prayed together and i just said,
“mom, i think we need to take care of youall naturally.†so we started an all naturaltreatment program and she started juicing vegetables every single day. we had her startdoing antioxidant-rich foods, loads of probiotics and using things like essential oils inhelping her body heal. we followed this treatment protocol for aboutfour months, went back to the oncologist, and their first recommendation was surgeryand radiation immediately. we followed it forfour months. after four months, we went back to the oncologist,got a ct scan.
he calledus two days later and said, “this is incredible. we don’t see this. the tumors have shrunkmore than half. keep doing whatever you’re doing.†ty: whatever you’re doing is working. right? dr. josh axe: yeah, he said, “come backin nine months.†we went back nine months laterand, complete remission, and today my mom is in the best shape of her life.
in fact, herand my dad just retired from ohio down to florida and she water skis every day. she hasrun three 5ks with me in the past few years and gotten 2nd and 3rd in her age group. she said she actually feels better now inher 60s than she did when she was in her 30s. she actually now teaches people how to useessential oils and make healing smoothies and juicing vegetables and how to fermenttheir own food. she just is a walking testimonyof really what it takes to beat and fight cancer naturally.
ty: that’s awesome, man. dr. josh axe: yeah. thanks a lot. ty: cool. wow. it’s truly amazing, the medicine we findin nature, isn’t it? from essential oilsto seeds to nuts to herbs to... eggplant? hmm? bec-5 is a compound derived originally froman australian plant
called devil’s apple. it also is found in eggplant and it is foundin green pepper. ty: eggplant. dr. jonathan wright: yes. it is one of the—any one of the things calledsolanaceae, for those of you who are botanists. they all have some of this bec-5 in them. the technical term forthem is solasodine glycosides and all the glycoside means is that there's a sugarattached to something.
it could be a string of sugars, too. it was discovered by a dr. william cham. he likes to go by bill, so we all call himbill. he’s a phd. he is a brilliant guy and he was working ata university in australia. someone came out to talk to him. even though his major field is lipid chemistrythey wanted to talk to him because they heard he was interested about why did theirlivestock, when they developed cancer in the eyeball – there’s a certain kind of livestockthat developed a lot of that – they go rub
themselves up against the devil’s appleplant with their eyes and, damn, their cancer would go away! so they talked to dr. cham about that anddr. cham was intrigued. he went to researchit and he isolated these things called solasodine glycosides. there are two or three ofthem but they are all lumped into the name in bec-5. bec-5 is bill edward cham – that’shis name – dash five. so, here is what dr. cham found, very quickly.
what he found is that there is amembrane change in the membrane that surrounds a cancer cell, and if any cancer cell –and as you’ll hear later on from dr. gaston [cornu-labat], every cancer cell has thismembrane change. but normal cells that are not cancerous donot have that membrane change. the key thing is that the solasodine glycoside,the sugar that sticks down, has a particular type of plant sugar that connectswith the cancer cell’s changed membrane, and it connects. and the cancer cell pulls that stuff insidethe cancer cell where, it doesn’t mess with
thedna of the cancer cell, it goes to little baggies called lysosomes, which are filledwith enzymes, and they are the storage depot forenzymes that the cell uses. but this stuff,the bec-5, it goes into the cancer cell, it goes to the lysosome somehow, it enters thelysosomes, and all the storage membranes are ruptured and this cell is flooded withdigestive enzymes and digests itself to death. seriously! now, if i had this skin cancer right hereand i put it on there, it is not going to hurt thenormal skin at all!
that is the key thing. this is a beautifully targeted thing. dr. gaston cornu-labat: so far is has beenshown in all the animal studies and on the cell linestudies that have been done, it has been shown that it has a very broad spectrum. ty: it works on lots of different cancers. dr. gaston cornu-labat: so far the evidenceis showing that it works on a very broad variety ofcancers and sarcomas, and in other carcinomas, in squamous cell, basal cell.
so, bec-5 went through a very interestingdevelopment phase with using it on skin cancers. actually, it is still being used on skin cancer. this is a cream that is over thecounter. in those jurisdictions where it’s legal,it can be bought over the counter and you apply the cream. it starts getting, layer by layer, the cancercells of the skin cancer – you know skin cancer is the most common kind ofcancer – it just eliminates the cancer. ty: but just the cancer.
dr. gaston cornu-labat: it only targets the—atthe beginning, it is very impressive because thecharacteristic with these early cancers is that the cancer cells are quite a bit morespread than what is evident. you start applying it, and suddenly rednessstarts spreading out and there is a lot of reaction. there’s a little bit of an open wound inthe first week or two that’s a lot bigger and scary because it’sbigger than what you thought it was. after the second or third week, that’s whenyou start seeing normal skin coming in,
coming in, coming in, and covering it up. and many, many, a majority of times, there’snot even a scar left. what i have seen is it works consistentlyevery time, every time. dr. jonathan wright: what happened to it? well, dr. cham was in australia and by thetime the australian society of dermatologists complainedto the therapeutic goods administration, which is the same as the fdadown there, down under, they had documented 70,000 people cured their own skincancers with his stuff. and he wasselling it over the counter!
can you imagine a cancer cure being sold overthe counter and 70,000 people cured themselves? ty: we can’t have that. dr. jonathan wright: we cannot have that,even if we’re in australia. so there was a complaintfor the australian society of dermatologists to the therapeutic goods administration “putthis stuff on prescription! only doctors should treat!†so the therapeutic goodsadministration put it on prescription. there goes dr. cham’s over the counter business.
guess what? hardly any of the dermatologists have prescribedthe stuff. they couldn’tget it anymore. ty: this bec-5 compound, which is selectivelytoxic to cancer cells, is contained in the devil’s apple which grows freely all overaustralia. while we’re on the subject ofaustralia, let’s have a listen to dr. manuela boyle as she shares some of her treatmentprotocols and we’re also going to hear from an australian cancer survivor. dr. manuela malaguti-boyle: i’ve been inpractice for almost 20 years.
i’m originally from milan,from italy. i worked for a number of years in london,a very big clinic in london. i used tosee cancer patients over there. i worked in singapore as well so over there,same thing, and in australia. cancer is very much an international issue. there are some differences in perhapsobviously cultural backgrounds, beliefs, and diets. but at the end of the day, the patientwho is undergoing chemotherapy at the local
hospital here on the gold coast will bereceiving exactly the same type of drug that a patient in sri lanka right now with breastcancer will be receiving. and the person in america will be receiving,and in south africa will be receiving, which means that basicallythe conventional treatment is still one size fits all. in terms of integrative approach, we knowthat this is obviously a very significant shortcoming. one size doesn’t fit all, at all. we have the opportunity to use botanicalagents and nutritional supplementation that
is designed for each and every individual. we have about 220 different cancers that havebeen identified, and those 220 different cancers are, again, different for each andevery person. individualized treatment isabsolutely essential. my team and i have the ability to use cuttingedge technical, amazing machines which we have. we have a hyperthermia machine. hyperthermia chamber. we have iv,vitamin c, glutathione, alpha lipoic acids.
we have dendritic vaccine injections. all this isabsolutely evidence based. it is supported by human clinical trials,and it is very successful. each and every time it is modified and tweakedaccording to the presentation of each patient. i’m very happy to be able to use all thisknowledge and to help people. geoff beaty: after multiple attempts, then they put a—i swallowed a pill that had a camera in it and that found it and i had a gastrointestinal stromal tumor. so, as soon as i found out,in a couple of days, i was like…
oh, they did another endoscopy to try andget to it to see more about it, that it had to go down a longways. it was a difficult one. a couple of days later, i was in surgery andthey took out a foot of my small intestine andit was a gastrointestinal stromal tumor. and it was grown 10 centimeters so it wasvery— and i’m very lucky that it bled. if it hadn’t have bled and it had got muchbigger, i probably wouldn’t have survived.
so they took it out and i was put on chemotherapyand clive glivec. in america i think it’s called gleevec. that was hard. it just knocked the energyout of me. it was difficult to stand up for a year. i think that’s something that—i thinki got that second tumor some time later on. that was probably a few years. i can’t remember exactly, probably two yearslater, and
that was in my neck. it grew very rapidly and i decided that iwanted to approach this not just medically. once i got the diagnosis for that and then had a think about it, treatment would have been chemo and radiation and—but, i justdidn’t want it all coming back again. i knew if idid just straight medical stuff if was not necessarily—you know this was the secondtime around. i then had the treatment that was involved,but i went and approached manuela and manuela put me on a regime of things that…
during the treatment – because i gotwestern medical treatment, but i also got manuela’s treatment and i did much… there were a whole lot of people that i knewthat were diagnosed at the same time, and iwatched us all go through it, and the difference in me and the other people was amazing. i just coped with the treatments so much better. less nausea, i didn’t need to be fed bytube, which nearly all of them did that were going through at the same time. you could see, just by looking at me, thati was coping much better than the others.
itwas still not a lot of fun. it was difficult to go through, but i didcope much better. i had much less burns from the radiation on my neck than the other people. once the treatments stopped, i just startedpicking up very quickly and within six weeks icould go back to work. because we were cycled and going back to thedoctors at the same time at the hospital, i saw a numberof the others and many of them, four and five months later still not back at work, theywere still not in a great shape. what manuela did for me made a huge difference.
the herbs and the nutrients and thediet that i was on made a huge difference in my recovery. how can i repay her? how cani say enough about these things? i think she knows how much it has meant tome. i havea quality of life now that is great and life ongoing. now, three and a half years on, i’m backto full strength and i’ve been back to full strength for quite a while.
just amazing. really, really good. it feels good. i feel confidentthat it’s not coming back. i’m here to stay. ty: during this episode you’ve come to knowabout the true cancer facts and fictions. i’m soglad we could make it clear for you. you’ve learned how cancer spreads, and howthe immune system is the answer to stopping cancerin its tracks. you’ve seen the alarmingdata on the hidden dangers of mammograms,
which like chemotherapy, actually helps tospread cancer – the exact thing it is supposed to diagnose and prevent. you’ve alsoseen the propensity of mammograms to lead to over-diagnoses. all these facts leading tothe conclusion that there simply must be a better way. you’ve seen how thermography can actuallydiagnose breast cancer when it’s as small as a pinhead, and how a life-threatening boutwith cancer can be won before it even begins.
the same goes for skin cancer. we’ve given you the most effective waysto prevent and beat skin cancer so you can makesure that your skin not only looks healthy, but it is healthy. and as we will keep reiterating, nature itselfwill continue to give us answers as we tap into the amazing gift we’ve been given thatsurrounds us every day. you’ve heard thestories of how essential oils have helped to prevent and heal cancer like allison anddr. axe’s mother.
and how these people will attest that theirlives are indebted to gifts given in nature. i trust this has not only been informative,but encouraging to you as you see that the answers are simple and there is a clear pathto having a life free from cancer. wow! we covered a lot of information in this episode,didn’t we? i’m glad you joined usand i hope you’ll make plans to join us for the next episode, because tomorrow we’regoing to travel across the atlantic ocean to a little country called latvia.
we’re going to learn about a virus thattargets cancer cells and has been used in over10,000 patients to completely eradicate cancer from the body, with no known sideeffects. you are not going to want to miss the nextepisode. thanks for tuning in to this one. make plans to join us tomorrow and in themeantime, god bless all of you. dr. veronique desaulniers: well i’m livingproof and thousands of women around the globe and hundreds of thousands of people who’vehealed cancer in general.
we know there is a cure. the cure lies in our food, in detoxifyingour body properly, balancing our energy and dealing with our stress and emotional wounds. making sure we don’t have dental toxicities,using food and plants to repair our body and then staying on top of everything. making sure that you can prevent cancer inthe future. because traditional medicine will use certainmarkers, but they’re very gross and very ineffective markers. but there are markers like the phi enzyme,or the cancer profile or oncoblot test that
can determine cancer when it’s only a fewmillion cells in the body instead of a tumor. because it takes 5 to 8 years for a tumorto develop. thermography is also a great tool to be ableto access the physiological changes that’s going on in the body. yes there is a cure and yes you can preventit. dr. gaston cornu-labat: i think the work you’redoing is extraordinary. and i think it’s extraordinary because you’renailing—let me see if i get the expression correctly, nailing the head. okay you—you’re hitting the nail on thehead.
because the core of what you’re doing isempowerment. and you are gathering up information and you’rebringing it forward. and that purpose of empowerment is reallykey to health. and that is the piece that’s missing. eventually medicine will come to terms. humanity will come to terms with the factthat healing comes from within. and that us, the doctors, and the clinicsand the medications aren’t the ones that facilitate the process of healing. so it doesn’t belong to us.
it belongs to you as a patient. my true role as a practitioner is to empowerand facilitate that healing within. ty: daniel. what’s your last name daniel? daniel wise: my name is daniel wisety: daniel wise. we’re here in atlanta and it’s reallya pleasure to meet you today. this is frankincense oil. what you want to do is put a drop on yourtongue every two hours. and you see how you feel after a couple ofweeks. daniel wise: you know what i want y’allto do to show you how much belief i got in y’all? i want you to put a tab on your finger andput it right there on my lip—on my tongue, brother.
this is how much i believe and happy to see y’all guys. look, i don’t know if his hand is filthyor not. there’s more pure medication than the systemgives us. ty: what we just gave you is a little bottleof frankincense oil. you got it in your backpack here. daniel wise: i will keep it. ty: you keep it. you use it. you’re a stage four cancer patient withstage four lung cancer, right? daniel wise: right.
ty: and you’re gonna use that every twohours on your tongue. and i’m gonna give you a number to get intouch with me and i’m gonna touch base with you in a couple months to see how you’redoing. daniel wise: good, that’ll be good. that will be awesome. come look at this man’s neck. look at his neck. now look at my neck. that’s all i want. is that me asking for too much? just to not be in pain all day. these boys about to make me cry, i’m punkingout like a girl.
lord, please put extra angels protection aroundthese guys, lord. let no hurt, harm, or danger come upon them. let them be a blessing to someone else lord,like you sent them out to me today. i know they’re looking at me like i’ma little deranged, and i am. god made me like this and he wants y’allto be bold. i’ve been suicidal this morning. i almost did it. but i knew i would be a punk. cause i ain’t toughing this thing out.
ty: but there’s always hope. that’s the message we give you today daniel. there is hope. and that little bottle of oil in your backpack. daniel wise: that big bottle of oil. ty: big bottle of oil. you wait and see what it does. because i think you’re gonna be pleasantlysurprised, brother. daniel wise: thank you for your time brother.
ty: yeah we love you. ty: when you chose to own the truth aboutcancer: a global quest, you play a huge role in saving millions of men, women, and childrenthat are suffering and dying from cancer, a terribly misunderstood and mistreated disease. you’re support allows us to continue onour life’s mission to eradicate cancer once and for all. our mission is not only to help you and yourfamily by arming you with the truth, but is to share the truth with as many people aswe can across the globe each and every day. please consider joining this movement andsupporting the mission by choosing to own
this docuseries and by sharing it with yourfamily, your friends, your community and your church. together we can make a difference and we willsave lives. plus a portion of each and every sale getsdonated to cancer charities that are doing real cancer research and are actually helpingcancer patients each and every day. simply click the banners below to join themovement and support our mission. thanks for watching and we’ll see you nexttime.
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