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hi i am cecilia yates welcome to a video introducingmessage and the use of aromatherapy oils did you know the use of aromatic oilshas documented more than 6,000 years ago indians used essential oils formedicinal purposes and the egyptians had the same idea queen cleopatra usedessential oils in her beauty treatments they used to think your laurels toamanda farrow's before they put in the pyramids epocrates the father ofmedicine that if one wishes to enjoy a healthy life one should bathe inaromatic waters and have messages with scented oils daily sounds good to me the use of aromatic oils with messagehas been around for a very long time and
today it's enjoying a resurgence inpopularity and this is why we're bringing you this introductory video soi hope you enjoy it extracted from aromatic plants trees andgrasses due to the complex nature it is important to use only the purestessential oils essential oils are not greasy at all they had the consistencyof water or alcohol they can be very potent and most cannot be applieddirectly onto the skin so doing message the essential oil must be blended with asuitable cold pressed oil such as a precaution ever cargo and these arecalled carrier or base oils and won't override the fragrance of your essentialoil to expand on the use of essential
oils and massage therapist and masseuseof over 10 years experience francesca with a baby have a wonderfulselection of oils the question is how do you blend them all this is the fun partof aromatherapy is choosing and lending your own oil i like to work with two orthree hours at the most and that way it's not confusing to have to meetdifferent fragments is going on at one time so the best way to do bernie isfirst of all individual by just walking paths soon i look at the name this waycan start to memorize what the author alec is to choose to ours it's notcompatible together when you find a combination that smells good to you thenyou can start to blend them in the glass
bomb vol 1 tablespoon of oil which isapproximately 15 miles of the base oil with 7647 drops of your essential oilwhich is approximately one drop of essential to every two meals of oil different kinds of carrying oil well isto use a call press natural or just measure out one tablespoon which is 15male of your base oil and poured into a glass or metal dietsch drops three drops of bergamot if you're feeling this can be stored forup to six months the idea with method is not used too much because if you couldsmother the person with all your wasting
these precious essential oil at the endof the message that they all should be well rubbed into the skin i shouldn'thave an oil dog so it's better to use a small amount of oil at a time have a professional setup at home toprotect the carpet covering that with a bad sheesh and replaced two pillows thepotential a non thank you for the legs and one for the chips and then we rolluptown to rate their fight song so they can relax and breathe easily there'slittle space for them to breathe and massively finish off with the t-shirtvery comfortable with the person receiving the message get ready
well i think it's best to have a nicewarm bath or shower before the methods probably heard the message afterexercise as well so you get that extra relaxation we're going to show you howto prepare aromatic bath in a moment but after the bath wearing cotton braveready so far beneath her bathrobe else in town you be ready for me that to create a wonderful fragrant aromathroughout your home cold water into the ball on the burneradd a few drops of your favorite essential oil and warm this with a litcandle an aromatic bath is one of life's greatpleasures after you run your bath at 528
drops of pure essential oil with alittle milk agitate the water to disperse the oil don't have the oil asit taps are running because a lot of the fragrance will have been lost beforeyou've even into the bar so to prepare for the mess i just take a deep breathin and stretch out and relax making sure that you're feeling comfortable as wellbecause if you feel good you gonna make other people feel good that you closeout to tie because restrictive clothing will make it harder to move around andmake sure that you removed any jewelry watches make sure that you know that i das well we don't only shot now catching on people's skin also take your shoesoff as well that that way you're feeling
scented and relaxed partner for the back fiction justrelaxing with you and by it's great to have plenty of talent whenyou give me a message to make sure that you methods partner is comfortable andwarm is the best the best place to start to start around the back because oftenpeople do suffer from back pain and even people that don't have back pain oftenfeel tension around the neck and shoulders methods around the back isgreat for relaxing people when they have headaches and people feel comfortablebeing touched around this area too much oil should be used to start the messageby putting them into the palm of your
hand trying to use too much or becauseyou find to be sliding around too much rub the oil well into your hands to warmit up then just ready to handle the top of your partner's shoulder to take adeep breath in please print and breathing now that you've scented withyour partner you can start sliding down the body pretty much oil change the overthe whole back at a different kinds of strokes you can message you thinkdifferent strokes there are three kings strikes that we use in swedish massagethe first one of their products which is what i'm using to apply the oil and tospread it throughout the body if elijah is great for relaxing to service modeland getting your message partner used to
the feeling of you touching your body italso helps to calm the nodes they do some ways you can do everage themost important thing is to marcia hand to the shape of the body as you riderunning either the muscles you can do hand over hand if around very very tired and field and talk with him and ask themhow they feeling how are they feeling warm enough they enjoy message anywayfeel sore as you working just talked with them is really enhancecommunication skills with your friends and family i can feel some tensionaround hebron instead of its all yeah
they often find some spots off aroundthe top of the shoulders and this is an area where we can go into the next daystrike which is coordinating we need the body you grasp the muscle and squeezedit gently in your hands it's a fine eating bread i'm doing that alternate movement othervariations of frictions finger over thinker and together working into thosetight neck and shoulder area and you can also do very specificcircles important to ask a pilot how does thepressure field is not around remembering that the higher you go themore slowly
guy is there anything that i have to becareful of what i'm doing a message you think it's important to be careful notto press 200 officially on the bunny areas of the body because it's notpadding to protect them and the spine is the most important area to be verycareful about someone has to just not right she met her to spy itself becausethe mother's life on each side of the spy because in united states directly onthose bumps are you feeling about which is called the finest processes which iswhat along the muscle that lie on either side never heard someone who would be yourpartner's tendinopathy methods and you
thought anything is back working topaint with your partner should be comfortable for them and alsocomfortable here are the three main methods stroke that we using reference we make sure that the liquid notmessaging as weld rate the town is tucked into lisa's breath that she'scovering makes just centering on that part of the body you go into work onbreathing deeply and relaxing and next we apply the oil so just calling theamount that you need into the palm of your hand rubbing hands together andapplying the oil in an upward movement molding you have to the shape of thebody
brittany or even the right up the leaguenow if we're on the leg keeping hands together where there is unity there isstrength so fingers warm and marketing hence the contours of the body using thewhole path as you press up with with a nice flying easy movement how did ithappen to actually pretty well as you may decide you can feel the musclessoftening as you work when you feel that hard muscle just slowing down and gone abit more deeply the areas to avoid doing very hard pressure at the back of thename because it's a very sensitive area with lots of pain and nose runningthrough and also the authority of this he died and remember that we talkedabout not prison too hard on bone
also if people have any service findsyou can see please go gently and just keep it simple leverage movement onthese areas with cellulite doesn't matter whatparticular city essential oils you use well i like to use all that stimulatescirculation and also one that eliminate fluid retention so essential oils cyprusa wonderful for the vein final in june apart a great for getting rid of extrafood which is called a dana and then you've got letter which is really goodstretch mark rise me improve circulation so there are quite a few oils to choosefrom the citrus oils are also very good for things like orange and lemon
are all fabulous and as a result he has a lot of achesand pains francesco essential oils can be used to relieve the wonderfulessential oils muscle aches and pains include rosemarie which is excellent forcirculation and relieve muscular tension and peppermint which had wonderfulrefreshing hard how to boil penetrate the skin they also penetrate friday hairfollicles on the skin down into the epidermis layer from there thecirculation of the blood vial a little capillaries with the oils to circulatethrough the whole body that actually helps to have he really too thin extentbut it can also pose some problems for
message because the old the hair canreally irritated if you don't use plenty of oil and also you can pull on theperson's legs soldiers show you how much are you should use for those here inareas in the body of a man will have hurry back so lots of plays and thetruth true because it's a sensitive area you probably use double the amount ofoil on harry area than you would for normal area as soon as you feel that thehair is causing a restriction at that little bit extra oil so now i can get anice blog with my it to rise and we can just repeat the movements that we did onthe back of leg for the fun to the lake and all along the front of the sheen ican feel the muscle tightness here
because of allen's exercise he's usinghis legs a lot so i can start to really working much more deeply around theseareas to hang on the muscle so wouldn't do this around the knee but just on thelink when i flew up to the top of the surface i'm just to eugene to leverageto join this part of the body but no strong krishan in a place you should seethe body rolling and moving as you're working that means the person's relaxed holding their legs tight just simplyshake a leg enough just to let god and attention that you might feel you canalso do some double handed it around on the top of the time seeing how myfingers that once again
molding to the shape of the body andworking nice and steadily with even pressure bringing it all together so very important to expose you actuallyworking on because then you met such partner feels comfortable ok thank youall again being careful not to put too much as i can always go back for more ifi needed and starting with the leverage movement the whole shoulder right downto the hand ok so now i'm gonna anchor to stop his moving around just firmlyholding his hand and then gliding output so this is a nice drainage movement andyou can start to feel the contours of
the body just remembering to reallyshaky hand to the area but you working on and the answer great place you canstart to be creative movement we've been doing a little bit of message now youknow what to feel for the feel for the muscles where you can feel the tension just lying down where you feel the bodyso tired is not controlled bit of tension here under slight pressure downand really critical be more deeply the areas to avoid rubbing to higher thebetter deal with the violence on the computer this is a special areas
ok ok and make sure i think the best ones andsandalwood which encourages deep breathing relaxation for both of thesewill start to relieve stress when you think about it stresses what's causinglike the taken up individually ok so another we've relaxed the neck andshoulders and now a nice way to finish offices by flying right down the personfeels nice and relax right through with a nice way of saying goodbye to an areathe gentle striking down and out through the fingers posing for a moment and english
and she's a wonderful way to really knowtreatment for women women absolutely love having their hair brushes sorelaxing for them so guys out there just remember this is a lovely thing to dofor you lady friends ok says natalie is removed to make up taking away jewelryearrings and necklaces so now we're just going to rapid chal carefully around tohit a protected from any oil because there's nothing wasn't having oil rubbedthree here at the end of the message are now at least here is a protected beready for cecilia to prepare the warm compress to prepare the congress held ahand towel like a fan so hot water and wring out well
conferencing is wonderful to prepare thescheme for the facial method it warms the skin helps remove any debris to thecleansing and also opens up also that the skin will absorb your own articlesdid it during the facial massage and some of the most expensive alrightnatalie just relaxing closing your eyes now believe we're going to start byapplying the oil around the neck and gently sweeping it up to the fired noflying strikes making sure got enough also the hands glide freely over thiscan always working up with this leaps of faith and helps to prevent agingwrinkles and then working in sections gliding over the cheeks and i happenedacross the flourish circling around the
temples is very relaxing and wonderfulthe people suffering from headaches you can also just gently sweep your handacross the top of the 53 let relaxed scene then just drawing a finger alongthe top of the brown line avoiding contact on the eyes and just gentlysweeping across the checks did he gentle movements keeping a nice light contact then you can message down and around thefront of the chest sweeping across the shoulders just ask your partner to takea deep breath in place natalie and gravy and they're just gently relaxing inaging their shoulders and underneath and we can do some very nice flying movementnow be very careful about the front of
the neck that's a sensitive area wedon't approve but we're working on the method of the back of the neck down intothe shoulders you can see all that lovely movement around the uppershoulders this is great for people that have changed not just with yourfingertips and pick up to the airline and to complete this we just do a verygentle method sri the town to avoid getting on the here because people don'tend up with breezy here at the end of the facial massage today especially after ok
i hope your partner in heaven and tryusing the essential oils to make it extra special have fun
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