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(applause) thank you. so we’re going tostart with distemper and this one, i think is probably going to be a little longer than30 minutes, but i’ll try to go fast through parvo since we’ve already covered a littlebit already through the boulder program, which is great. and also you’ve got a lot of informationin your handouts from our program and the boulder program for parvo.ns: so distemper in austin, we had a distemper outbreak in the spring of 2010. and we treatedover 200 cases of suspected distemper. we didn’t test distemper when we got the animalsin our shelter. some of them were tested at the city shelter before they came to us, orbefore they were euthanized, so we knew we were dealing with a distemper problem, butwe didn’t test every single dog. so i’m
just throwing that out there because it definitely,these are assumptions. so as we worked through our dogs that we thought had distemper wefound that not all of them got neurological signs, in fact a large portion of them didn’tget neurological signs, and if they didn’t they had about a 90% save rate, if they wereover 8 weeks. so there’s lots of ifs in there. but younger puppies have a much hardertime if they get just plain old pneumonia and the horrible kcs and respiratory, butno neuro signs then we had a pretty good success rate of treating them and gettig them throughit. if they developed the neurological signs then there seemed to be a higher mortalityassociated with them. the dogs over four months of age, age had a huge part of this, and i’msure that if we did titer testing, we didn’t
do titer testing but i’m sure if we didtiter testing we would see that it may just be titer, not necessarily age, and those probablygo hand in hand, but the older puppies had a better save rate.ns: so why bother? that’s a good question, because this is a horrible disease and whenit goes through shelters it wipes out a lot of dogs and it’s really difficult to treat.but what we were trying to do is save the difficult animal, so we felt like, well, we’vegot to try to save these dogs. especially because we were seeing that a lot of themwere savable, that they were living through it, so we felt like we needed to tackle itand try to deal with it. it’s a shelter disease, so these dogs that made it out ofthe shelter alive in the first place and then
were dying of a shelter disease, it’s just,the tragedy of it is overwhelming too. so again, that was another reason why we wantedto tackle it, is give these guys a chance. they already made it through the gauntletand then to just die of something that they picked up at the shelter is really sad. ittakes a long time to fully manifest. i’m sure people already know that, if anybody’sseen it. and many puppies are already adopted by the time they come down with full-blownsymptoms because we don’t necessarily do a quarantine period for our puppies in thesummertime when we don’t have a lot of… we can’t keep up with the numbers that arecoming in. so, if they get it then we treat it. so if they’re adopted or they’re infoster we deal with it.
ns: and this is just, you guys already knowthis, it’s spread through respiratory droplets, up to four feet away of coughing. you canspread it by having dirty hands, going from one cage to another. it doesn’t live verylong in the environment so it’s actually harder to spread than parvo, as far as likeon your shoes or puppies licking your clothes. but it is spread through air. so that makesit a much harder, especially when you’re dealing with crowded environments and sheltersthat don’t have the greatest barriers or… ns: …paths to get through the shelter. so,symptoms. it attacks each organ. i like to think of it as a disease that rolls throughthe different organ system. every week it’s like the flavor of the week. whatever thedistemper decides to get it gets. and generally
we see it start with the respiratory symptomand/or diarrhea, and then that’ll kind of wax and wane and then it’ll be back andyou’ll start to see them improve from that first symptom, and then something else popsup. and so that might be skin problems. we’ve seen a couple cases of really horrible yeastinfections all over their entire body. you can see kcs with the eyes stop producing tears.and conjunctivitis of course, is pretty common. but those dogs that just won’t open theireyes, i used to think it was all conjunctivitis, and probably it’s conjunctivitis… kcsinduced by conjunctivitis, but they aren’t producing tears. so getting them… we’lltalk about treatment in a second. so we also see diarrhea – a lot of times it’s bloody.these dogs are often mistaken as parvo positives
even though the test is negative. so theycome to us and the shelter might say, “we think it has parvo because of the bloody diarrhea,but the test is negative.†and then we put it in kind of a semi-quarantine, do a test,24 hours, it’s still negative, then distemper pops up to the top of the list if we’vealready started antidiarrheal and antiparasitical treatments.ns: waxing and waning symptoms, up and down fever, dry eye, ticks and tremors, seizures.we see night terrors where some of these dogs are vocalizing at night in their sleep andthey might even wake themselves up and run against the wall and run into the wall. reallystrange behavior, but we’ve seen several cases of that. and uncommon but deadly signs;when they can’t swallow they kind of a mega
esophagus problem where their esophagus juststops working. if they can’t control their breathing we’ve seen several cases wheredogs, it’s a really weird symptom, they won’t open their mouth to pant, but theycan’t get air, so they’re labored breathing and their gums are going in and out, but theycan’t, they won’t open their mouth. and those are obviously deadly because they’renot moving oxygen. if they can’t swallow, they can’t eat. we’ve decided, just kindof like our feline leukemia, we’re not going to go through placing esophageal tubes orpeg tubes for dogs that can’t swallow, but we will force feed and we’ll do a lot ofsupportive care. enamel hypoplasia. i’ve seen several dogs come into the shelter withenamel hypoplasia, and sometimes tremors,
and they’re not active distemper. if yousee the enamel change on an incoming animal, that’s a dog that you can put into yourprogram because the disease is long gone, that’s a remnant from when the disease wasthere and present. they shouldn’t be contagious anymore.ns: diagnosis. it’s not easy. there is a pcr test and titer testing. and we have starteddoing some pcr testing with the help of dr. levy, which has, you can see at the bottomwe tested a sample of 12 dogs and most of those represented litters of dogs so thatwas a pretty big sample pool. one was negative. this dog had seizures. he came into us withbloody diarrhea and seizures, but he was a two pound some sort of terrier mix. and wealways just treat symptomatically so we started
him on dextrose and phenobarbital and thenparvo treatment even though he tested negative for parvo. and he actually came out of itin seven days. we don’t know what his problem was, but apparently it wasn’t distemper.the two negatives, i don’t believe that they were actually negative because littermatesfrom those two dogs died of symptoms that are consistent with distemper. so i don’tknow if maybe those dogs just weren’t shedding, or if the test just gave us a false negative,or it really is negative and i just can’t think of any other disease that would causethe symptoms of tremoring and seizures with waxing and waning upper respiratory infection.one of them maybe, but the other one definitely not. and then nine positives. so the reasonthat i like that is that it helps to support
that what we we’re seeing is what we thinkwe’re seeing when we’re making these assumptions. ns: prevention – vaccinate before intake.that is the most important, i know we talked about it yesterday, and i’m going to kindof beat you up a little bit with some slides on it because it’s the most important thingthat you can do. distemper is a manmade problem. we don’t like to think that it happens inour shelters, but it does. and it is devastating. and separating dogs, trying to do some isolationwhen they come in, and quarantine, keeping them at least four feet away, not sharingwater bowls unless they come in together. and there’s some… obviously if we allhad the money to put in the great ventilation systems that would help a lot with distemper,but we don’t and i think that we just have
to follow the things above. vaccinating beforeintake is the very most important thing that you can possibly do because of its abilityto stop this virus. it’s a very easy virus to prevent. i think that’s something thatwe forget. it’s so easy to prevent, it’s really hard to treat.ns: the importance of intake vaccines. this is a sample of the dogs. again, none of thesewere tested. we treated 76 during the outbreak, 13 of those died, and that was out of 480that we took in total. ns: the number - that’s just through themonth, so you can see that huge spike in april. ns: the vaccine guidelines – this is important,and i bolded the part that’s really important. this came from aaha and it is strongly recommendedthat immediate vaccination on entry be made
a priority in all shelters. delaying vaccination,even by a few hours, may increase the risk of infection subsequent to exposure. and thatis directed at distemper. this is a disease that we can prevent if we can just get ontop of those vaccines. and i’ve worked with two shelters that swore they were giving thevaccines before intake, and when the procedures were actually observed, they weren’t. therewere huge gaps. and so some of the animals were getting vaccinated on intake and someweren’t. and i like the words “before intake†not “on intake,†because thatis a specific time – do it in the lobby, do it before they even walk through the doorsto go into the kennels. ns: okay, so we got the data from our cityshelter of what was going on. and again, we
were told everybody was getting vaccinated,we knew they weren’t getting vaccinated and we knew the ones that were getting sickwere also in that group that wasn’t vaccinated. and so there was a huge discrepancy, and thisisn’t to beat up our city shelter, i think that this is a problem in all large sheltersis that sometimes the right hand doesn’t know what the left hand is doing, and evenif you have a protocol in place it doesn’t mean that it’s being followed. there needsto be follow-through to make sure that somebody, especially the veterinarian, is in chargeof ensuring that it’s occurring 100% of the time. so, this is the total animals takeninto our city shelter, and you can see that 37% received vaccines late or never, 63% receivedvaccines on time. we don’t know the time
they were given, that’s just same day. soon time for us means same day. ns: and i’m going back to the slide beforethat. the ones that we got, there’s a higher prevalence in the ones that we got that weresick. because we’re taking the bottom of the barrel that didn’t get vaccines, itmakes up a higher percentage of the ones we got, not the total population at the shelter.hopefully that makes sense, i’m kind of confusing it.ns: (flips to next one) ns: these are just some examples, and it kindof shows the timeline of the disease and how long it takes to cause problems. this littleadorable dog on the left, he was not vaccinated because he was an aggressive small breed dog,and he was there for 14 days with no vaccines
and then we pulled him, he got adopted immediatelyand he was euthanized a few weeks after the fact because it took that long. so that’sa month and a half, or a little bit over a month for the disease to become fulminantand kill him. and that’s one reason i think that large shelters don’t even realize theimportance of vaccines because they don’t see the aftermath. the animals, if there’sa high percentage that are dying then you may never even know what you’re spreadingin your shelter because they don’t make it out. so of the ones that do, again, thebottom of the barrel are the ones that are in the bottom of the 50% that have the higherpercentage of not being vaccinated, so you don’t even know the harm that it’s causingbecause they previously aren’t making it
out. pedro, on the right, was vaccinated.he died two weeks after he came into the shelter, but he sat there for four days with no vaccines.and this little puppy came into the shelter. he was vaccinated one day late, his entirelitter, and they all underwent treatment and they all survived, but it was a huge amountof work. ns: distemper – so no excuse for not vaccinatingbefore intake. it’s hard, really hard to ensure that it’s happening, but i hope thatyou’re getting it, and i’m sure that most people in this room are already aware of theimportance of it, but it’s the most important i think we can do as shelter veterinariansis to make sure that nothing happens harmful while on our watch. a hundred percent of theanimals have to be vaccinated to prevent an
epidemic. and i liked what one of the speakersyesterday said, that unless the animal is leaving again, back through the front door,it gets a vaccine, even if it’s dying. i mean, unless you’re taking it directly tobe euthanized, and even in the case in san antonio, we’ll take animals from the euthanasialist that are sitting in the euthanasia room and guess what, they’re lined up next toa whole bunch of animals that have distemper. and if the vaccine can just be given to everybody,no matter what their outcome, and in most of these big shelters there’s actually fundingfor that, it’s just follow-through - making sure that it actually happens. and it maynot make sense to the person who doesn’t do it, but then what if somebody like us comeson the back end and says, “well, we’ll
take that little puppy and give it a try.â€but like i said, he’s already been exposed to a whole bunch of bad stuff.ns: they work immediately. so even though they’re not 100% protective, if they havejust a little bit of immunity that could prevent the fulminant disease. and i think that’sone reason why we saw so much pneumonia and not the full-on neuro signs is because a lotof these animals were vaccinated, hopefully before they came into contact with the virus.so the treatment is waiting it out. it’s a waiting game. you just have to react everytime it acts. and so it chooses what it wants to do, it chooses which organ system it’sgoing to ravage. it chooses how long. and you just have to wait it out. and if you canwait it out for two to three months, typically,
then you win. and if the dog survives youwin. so treating the symptoms: time, two to three months is a really long time. and most,you know these dogs can’t be in the shelter, obviously they’ve got a communicable diseaseso they need to be in a foster home. providing supportive care and informing your fostersof what this means. we don’t do surgery if we think that they might have distemper,even it means we have to adopt them out and then have them come back for surgery, becausethe stress of surgery on their immune system, if we think it’s gone and then we do surgeryand then it pops back up three days after the surgery, then we’ve just undone allthe good that we were trying to get accomplished in the first three months of treatment. systemicsteroids - for some reason out there in the
literature it’s… you know, some peopleuse steroids and i just would caution against it because you don’t want to immuno-compromisethem any further than they’re already compromised. we do use a lot of non-steroidal anti-inflammatorieswhich are really helpful, but i would not use prednisone.ns: okay, so lowered immune system. we often see parvo with distemper. it causes susceptibilityto other infections which is why you’re using antibiotics. it’s a virus, we allknow that. but they get secondary bacterial infections that are really terrible, and soit’s critical that they’re on antibiotics the whole time.ns: long course of treatment, and we just take it one day at a time. and that’s whatwe tell fosters, is that every single day
we’ll reassess, and if we’re having aparticularly bad day then we’ll talk about it and see kind of where we are, and if thefoster is not willing to continue then we don’t. but if they are then we just keepgoing and every day you get a little bit further down the line of the two to three month timeperiod. so these… i adopted one of our first distemper puppies, and she had terrible bronchiectasis,and just chronic pneumonia. she only lived a year. it’s horrible, horrible, horrible.but i did a lot of research on what we should be doing for antibiotics and talking to specialists.and i was kind of surprised to learn that there’s only two antibiotics that reallydig down deep into the lung tissue, and that’s baytril and zithromax. and so for dogs thathave pneumonia those are our go-to drugs.
if they don’t have fulminant pneumonia we’lluse doxycycline or some of the clavamox. you know, a lot of the other standard antibiotics,but these are the two that are going to penetrate down deep and hopefully prevent bronchiectasisfrom being the end result after the pneumonia is done. and often we have to use both becausethey’ll spike a fever even while they’re on, and we don’t know if it’s the virusor more bacteria. we don’t have the money to do a bunch of cultures so we’re justtreating empirically which i know is not the greatest but it works.ns: and then supportive care. i would not recommend using one of those little boxes,but it’s the only picture i could find of a nebulizer. we have like 40 nebulizers inour stock at austin pets alive! and we lend
them out to different fosters. so when we’rehaving terrible upper respiratory in cats, everybody, the cat people will get nebulizersand nebulizing solution and then when the distemper happened a lot of our fosters wouldhave the nebulizers, and that just makes it easier for the animal to get treatment withouta huge cost. and also, it’s something, because it’s kind of like a capital cost it’sdonor friendly so you can get people to help buy those for you because it’s somethingthat will stay in the organization forever, unless people don’t return (which does happen).but you want them back. and we usually just use a small crate and cover it with a sheetor a blanket and then run the nebulizer. you just have to make sure they don’t get toohot.
ns: so treating the gi symptoms. deworming,making sure they’ve gotten rid of all the parasites because again, they’re immuno-compromised.if somebody else is eating their nutrients and sucking away their life force, we wantto stop that. so having them on a dewormer, a broad spectrum dewormer, maybe we’ll doall the dewormers because sometimes you don’t even see coccidian on a fecal slide. but ifthey’re having diarrhea we just kind of throw the whole book at them. and we do fluids,keep them hydrated. generally the diarrhea is quick, in and out. we don’t see a tonof it staying there for weeks and weeks. it might come back, like they’ll do seven daysof diarrhea and then a few days off and then it comes back, but then it’s typically done.whereas the respiratory can come up and down,
up and down, up and down for five or six timeseven. vomiting and not eating we just treat symptomatically. reglan, pepcid, force feeding,trying different foods. a lot of these dogs don’t want to eat because the last thingthey ate made them feel nauseous so you’ve got to mix it up a little bit. and our mantrais, we don’t care what it is, just as long as they’re eating something, then we’recontinuing on the path of just getting through it. so that’s why all these human foodsare on here. ns: treatment for conjunctivitis. in kcs wedon’t use steroids. bnp is good, is just a great eye antibiotic for dogs. and artificialtears – if you think it’s kcs, which i think a lot of them are. cyclosporine – weget a lot of it donated because a lot of elderly
animals die and then people bring their medsover to us – their owners do. and so we keep that like it’s gold because we can’tafford to buy it, and then we parcel out little tiny… we break it up so people get littletiny pieces of it. and it typically goes away also pretty quickly, 7-14 days. it’s nota permanent condition, unless there’s scarring to the eye from the problem.ns: and treatment for skin. they get skin problems. it they’re already on antibiotics,we typically just don’t worry about it. just treat them symptomatically – oatmealbaths, cortisone cream, stuff like that. ns: tremors and tics. there’s no treatmentavailable for tics. i read a study about botox being used, and i’d love to see that actuallyput into practice, but we have not used it
yet. and a lot of times it seems like thetics come from really central nerves so i’m not sure how you’d get it in there, butit’s an interesting thought. the only thing that stops it is general anesthesia. so there’sno point in trying, i guess the point of that is there’s no point in trying to find amiracle drug that is gonna stop it. there’s not anything out there. the gabapentin helpswith pain. it seems a lot of times they experience pain, especially at the beginning of tremors.it’s something that they acclimate to. and if they go away, which is our hope, then it’sworth it. but putting them on nsaids and gabapentin seem to be a good mix. and the tics that dr.schaal, who’s a neurologist, said that there’s nothing else that causes those tics that yousee that are kind of like the methodical jerking.
and so for us if they do develop that neurologicalsign then it sounds like we can bet that that’s definitely distemper.ns: treatment for seizures – we use phenobarbital; we do a huge loading dose on day one. we don’tsend valium home with people, or iv phenobarb. so we just do a huge oral loading dose. andfor the most part that stops the seizures. and then we do a daily dose after that. typicallythey stop seizing in 7-10 days. sometimes they never seize again. once we load themup and keep them on it for 7-10 days and then wean them off. keppra we use, it’s not controlled.and so that’s a great drug because you can order it and just keep it in your pharmacyand if you have vet techs helping you prescribe the stuff you don’t have to keep track ofit which is awesome. and again, load them
up at the higher dose, and you can go a lothigher than that too. zonisamide is also not controlled, and that’s a good one. and it’simportant, the minute somebody reports a seizure, just start them on it. there’s no reasonto wait until they go into cluster seizures, or back to back seizing, just start it immediately.ns: supportive care. vitamin c, puppy vitamins. every puppy, every dog gets on vitamins. wedo acepromazine – this is one that, i don’t know why it helps, but the last distemperpuppy that i had that i was fostering, he was having the night terrors and the ace reallyhelped him sleep through the night. so i don’t know why it helps, but it does. i mean, itobviously makes them sleepy but there are so many other drugs in this cocktail thathe should be sleepy from, i don’t know why
ace did the trick. and high protein diet,immune support. those, they can’t hurt and they might help.ns: new castle vaccine. this is something that’s obviously hugely controversial. there’szero really good evidence to prove that it’s helpful in any way, shape or form. we startedusing it because we felt like when we were having the outbreak and we had so many peopleinvested in these animals, so many fosters invested in each individual, the fosters alwaysfind it. they always find it on the internet. so we were just like, alright fine, if youget some we’ll try it because we don’t know what our success rate on saving thesedogs is anyway, why not try it? and what we found is that it’s not dangerous, we’vehad zero side effects from it. i don’t think
it helps, but interestingly, the 24 hoursafter we give it iv they seem to be better. and i don’t know if it’s just the stimulationof coming to the vet clinic and getting a shot, or if it’s truly related to the newcastle, but it definitely doesn’t have any long lasting effects that i can tell. of coursesome of these animals made it, and it could be because of the new castle, but i don’tthink so. we do the iv and then we have not… we’ve done the serum i think on a coupleof dogs, but not since then. and there is somebody in austin that does the spinal injectionand we sent five dogs there, they were all funded through chipins, and three of themsurvived. again, i don’t know if it was related to that or not.ns: isolation, they need to be in foster homes
or someplace really far away from other dogs.ozzy’s team is a group. this little dog had distemper and there were a group of peoplethat shared custody of him while he was going through his treatment, and he ultimately didn’tmake it but they did tons of research. they wrote up a whole bunch of stuff for peopleto take care of other dogs, and they developed a support group so that if our other fosterswere going through it, because it’s such a drain, an emotional drain, that having somepeople to just talk it through and be like, “oh, have you tried this?†and “whatabout this recipe for food?†and it’s nice to have that. and i think that any citycould do that with, anybody that’s nursed a dog through distemper becomes the expertand then you can get them to mentor new people.
ns: these are kind of the reasons that we’llgo ahead and euthanize. one is they can’t swallow. we’ve already talked about that.we need to make sure it’s not because they are too sleep to swallow, or because of drugsor that it’s vomiting or not wanting to eat, but that they’re actually trying toeat and they can’t get it down. and it just keeps falling out of the side of their mouthor it regurgitates right back up and it’s kind of that classic trying to tell the differencebetween vomiting and regurgitation. if they can’t breathe, as long as we’ve had themon strong antibiotics, we’ve had a few cases where the foster didn’t show up for theirrefill and 48 hours later the dog is in extreme respiratory distress. we don’t euthanizefor that, we put them on oxygen. or before
we had oxygen tanks we would nebulize just24/7 and start them on iv baytril, and they actually came out of it. they started breathingbetter within 24 hours. so if it’s because of a lapse of antibiotics, that’s not agood reason to euth, but if you’re already doing all the antibiotics and they still can’tbreathe obviously the humane thing is to not make them keep trying. if they can’t moveat all, we’ve had some puppies that are completely paralyzed, and we decide to callit at that point. and if they can’t stop seizing despite medication. and also, if thecaretaker says they just can’t deal with it anymore, it’s not like we have distempercaretakers laying around that want to take on one of these dogs, so if they’ve hadenough then it’s okay to euth, of course.
ns: general course of treatment is a coupleof months. our job is just to outlast it. ns: you can pretty much bank on it being gonefor good if you’ve had no symptoms within 10-14 days. so if you see your last new symptom,or last recurrent symptom and then you wait another 10-14 days, you can pretty much assumeyou’re done. even if you still have tremors or something that is continuing that is alonger lasting problem, as long as there’s no new problem or worsening of an old problemthen that seems to be the end of it. and the seizures don’t appear to be long term, whichis something that i’d always thought was the case. but we’ve had zero of these dogsgo on to have long term seizures. and the tics do continue for a long time. i have adog that i adopted ten years ago with distemper,
and she had whole body twitches and we reallydidn’t know if we should euthanize her or keep her alive, because we couldn’t seehow she could possibly sleep. but she kept eating, she kept playing, so we were like,“okay, we’ll just keep going.†and after three years her tics stopped altogether. soshe’s had no ticks for the last seven years, which i don’t understand at all becausei thought that neurological progress ends at about a six month mark, but anyway. solike i said, where there’s life, there’s hope. the eyes, if they’re not treated appropriatelyyou can lose eyes. cataracts, we’ve had one dog develop cataracts after the fact,and i found an article that said that cataracts can be post-distemper. enamel hypoplasia isto be expected.
ns: how long contagious? i don’t know. idon’t think anybody really knows. i would assume since this is a respiratory virus andan excretion virus, that diarrhea and coughing would be your major sources of spread. soif those symptoms are gone and gone for good, then probably it’s not contagious, but icertainly wouldn’t try it with an unvaccinated dog around.ns: so, this is just a case study. this is a dog named reba that was at the shelter.she came in hit by a car. her leg was broken. she was there for her three day stray holdand she didn’t get vaccinated because of her fracture.ns: we pulled her out, like most of our fractures it’s not that big of a deal so we’ll takeher. and the day we pulled her out she had
a 104 fever and she started to develop snifflesright after the fact. this is kind of at the beginning of our outbreak so we didn’t evenknow that that was what was wrong with her. she was over sniffles by the time we senther for surgery for an fha. this is another good reason to wait on your fho, it’s asalvage procedure and if there’s any chance at all that that dog’s incubating distemperthere’s no reason to make them go through surgery early. so the day of surgery she developedan eye infection. we were kind of like, “well, that’s weird,†but we didn’t reallypay much attention to it. ns: sent her to surgery, she became weak andwobbly after surgery. her eye infection got a lot worse, and then she became really paranoid.this is a super friendly dog and her behavior
changed where she was just alarmed by thingsthat were happening around her. she was scared of her foster. and we were like, “okay,this is starting to look more like distemper. we started the new castle vaccine, we startedher on anti-seizure medicine, and oral antibiotics because her upper respiratory symptoms wereback but they weren’t severe. and her fever continued to stay up. and we started her ona second antibiotic. she became paralyzed in her back end and she was on these othermedications to help deal with symptoms. ns: and i couldn’t get the video to load,but this is a picture of her. you can see her left eye is bulbous and really irritatedfrom the kcs, and was dead at this point. her back end, she’s paralyzed but she’swalking around the yard. she would go through
these awake seizures. this is one of the onlydogs i’ve ever been bitten by because she would, when the foster went out of town i’dtake care of her. and she would be in the yard and she would just kind of running towardsyou. and i kept running away and then she would stop. but then i was like, “well,i wonder if she just wants comfort?†so i just stood there and she bit me right onthe butt. (laughs, and audience laughs) so i think she was having some weird seizureactivity and they’re just not in the right head at all.ns: okay, so the paralysis continued. this is of course, a bad… well, all distemper’sbad, but this is kind of the worst it gets with the neurological symptoms. paralysiscontinued. the foster noticed light movement
in one rear leg about a month after she becameparalyzed. and her eye infection continued but we decided we were not going to do surgeryon that eye no matter what, because we didn’t want to decrease her immune system. and shewasn’t spayed yet. she was heartworm positive. she had a lot of things that she was supposedto get done that we were just like, “forget it, let’s just see if she lives first andthen we’ll deal with those problems later.†and her seizures were under control for themost part, except for that weird activity. we started her going to physical therapy andthen we had a physical therapist give us a really good deal. we were able to raise moneyfor her through a chipin. ns: and here’s a video of her at physicaltherapy.
video: (audio starts 32:22) “it’s amazing.â€(video continues to play and lecturer speaks) lecturer: so her legs are all beat up fromdragging, but she started actually getting motor function, which is unbelievable. andwe kept going, but you know, the question is – why did we keep going? and again, everyday this dog would eat and you’re just like, when she gets to the point we would talk,the foster and i would talk, and when she gets to the point where she doesn’t feellike eating then that’s when we need to call it. and she just kept eating. every day,she kept eating. it was something different every day, but she did keep eating.ns: so her legs continued, she can walk on all four… her improvement continued, shecan walk on all four legs now. we were finally
able to do her spay three months after shegot the disease, and her heartworm treatment after that. and then…ns: …this is a video of her now, which is awesome. (video plays) it’s the outcomeyou hope for when you go through that much pain and suffering and they go through thatmuch pain and suffering. (dog barks) (lecturer laughs) she’s not normal, but she’s prettyclose! (applause)
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