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meredith: hello, everyone, and welcome tocellular healing tv. i’m your host, meredith dykstra, and this is episode number 138. i’vegot dr. pompa here. how are you, dr. pompa? dr. pompa: very well – and just dr. pompatoday, right? meredith: not just, but it is just us, butyou’re definitely – i’m excited to feature you and just to have a conversation today,just us. this is going to be a fun topic today. dr. pompa: yeah. we get a lot of questions.i’ve been trying to do a few other youtube videos answering some of them. i did a three-,four-minute video on candida because i got so many questions on it. i talked about howcandida runs with heavy metals in that video. you’ll see that coming up. i did anotherone on the gut that you’ll see in the future.
you haven’t even seen that one, yet. i thinkdoing some of these shows on some of these more broad questions that i can answer inthree or four minutes is probably a good idea. that’s how i came to this show.meredith:yes. this is a hot topic today. a gentleman wrote in on some of his hair losschallenges. i’m going to read his letter that he wrote to you and merily, and thenwe’re going to delve into this topic. i think it’s going to pique the interest ofa lot of the audience out there. a lot of people have hair loss challenges, and there’sa lot more to it than just the cosmetic issue. before we dive in, i’m going to read hisletter. “hi, dr. pompa and merily. i’m reallyglad to know that you’re christians, and
it’s so cool to see people who have faithin god and are directing people to natural cures. i’m wondering if you would do a showon hair loss. it goes along with cellular health and the endocrine system subject. ibelieve dr. pompa himself touched briefly on his hair in one youtube video in regardsto a time in his life concerning his health.†“i’m a 35-year-old male who has graduatedgrad school. the past eight years have been hard in just about every way, but to add toit, i drank alcohol a lot during this time. i’m experiencing thinning around the crownof the head, and i’m trying to get things right with god and myself. i know that inthe medical field, hair is not something that has a lot of people’s attention, as manyview it as cosmetic. all people seem to know
is that male pattern baldness is caused bydihydrotestosterone or dht. i just hope and pray god can heal my body. thank you for anyinsights.†that was his letter. all right, dr. pompa.take it away. what do you think, and what is dht? i’m excited. i don’t know a lotabout hair loss, so this is – there’s a lot to learn here.dr. pompa:we talked a little bit about, in some past shows, about how the body can formtoxic estrogen for multiple reasons, one of which is toxicity, and how merily had formedthese toxic estrogens. really, we know they lead to cancer and other major hormone problems.we don’t hear a lot about toxic testosterone, but dht is a more potent form of testosteronethat can cause hair loss. there’s something
called 5-alpha reductase that – many peoplemay have heard of these drugs because they’re called 5-alpha reductase inhibitors that theygive for prostate cancer. they do that because dht can also drive prostate inflammation,potentially cancer. this enzyme, these 5-alpha reductase inhibitor,the drug, what it does is it inhibits this production of the dht thereby possibly helpingthe prostate problems, but there’re some other problems. what studies actually showis that, yeah, it actually decreased the frequency of prostate cancer. however, the cancers weremore severe, so i don’t know if that was a good answer.anyways, there are some natural things that we can look at to diminish – to do whatthe 5-alpha reductase inhibitor drugs actually
do. we looked at some of those, and there’sactually one in designs for health, their prostate product called prostate supreme.really, you would say, “i have a hair problem. i don’t have a prostate issue,†but itdoes the same thing. it affects the enzyme and affects the dht. it helps the testosteronenot convert into the more toxic form, if you will, that can drive hair loss.i think there’s a test that we can run. we have run this test for women, and we liketo run this test for men. it’s a 24-hour urine collection, complete hormone. it’sthe most accurate way to assess some of these more toxic hormones and even the toxic metabolitesfrom these hormones. for example, 4-hydroxyestrone is a very toxic metabolite, and 4-hydroxyestronecan cause these free radicals that lead to
breast cancer. my wife had very high levelsof that and even another one called 16-hydroxy. point being that her toxicity drove malfunction,if you will – lowered her methylation and some other problems, and her body wasn’tgetting rid of these toxic forms, and therefore, they were building up, and leading to hormoneproblems. we discovered that by that test, this 24-hour urine. you can actually get thetest off our website under discount labs, under services. look. you get the test, butyou need a coach to read it. that’s why we train doctors in these tests like this.it is another way to look at even, like i said, dht, 5-alpha reductase, some of theseother anabolic pathways. go ahead. meredith: are you commonly seeing methylationas being an issue connected to hair loss?
dr. pompa:yeah. methylation can allow someof these more toxic hormones to build up. methylation really is involved in detox. methylationinvolves in protecting the dna. meredith:sorry. it’s cut out a little bit.i did not hear the last little bit of what you said.dr. pompa: methylation gets rid of toxins, toxic hormones, but it also protects the dna.i want to give some other reasons why hair loss can be an issue that i jotted down, thati’ve ran into over the years, honestly, one of which is a gene. we can turn on certaingenes, and the drop in methylation can allow certain susceptibilities, even male patternbaldness, etcetera, to be turned on, which leads me, actually, to something that justhappened recently to one of my patients.
stressful events can drive certain types ofhair loss for multiple reasons, by the way. it can trigger certain genes, stressful events.it can trigger autoimmune, which can drive your body to attack the hair follicle andcause hair loss. it can drive other types of autoimmune, hypothyroid, which we’llget to. stressful events are known to – all of a sudden, people have hair falling outin clumps, i mean literally. what are stressful events? it could be toxicin nature, so the body releases a lot of toxins, or you get a lot of toxic exposure, or you’renot getting rid of toxins. we see that sometimes happen to people who – we need to slow thedetox down. we also get it in people who need to detox. we also see it in pregnancy, afterpregnancy. it’s a stressful event. they’d
categorize that as the stressful event thatcan trigger hair loss. there’s a condition known as telagon – it’s t-e-l-a-g-o-n.i actually wrote it down because my dyslexia, i knew i wouldn’t pronounce it correctly.telagon effluvinna or something to – e-f-f-l-u-v-i-n – and i can’t even read my own writing.it’s a condition that stressful events can cause, and the hair falls out, but that’smore rare. most of the time, it just triggers the othertypes of autoimmune. even after surgery, it can trigger those types of events. stressfulevents is one thing that i just saw recently with somebody. i guess the question wouldthat, “what do you do?†if it’s an emotional or a physical stressful event, just some good,solid nutrition plays a big role. adrenal
supplements like ga, seriphos, calm; thoseare three that we have that actually can make a big difference in helping the body adaptto stress, and therefore, the body will come around on its own.then also, just like i said, some good nutrition. there’s the spectra, which is a naturalmultivitamin. we did the energybits. that helped one of my patients with their hair.it’s an algae, spirulina, that’s loaded with nutrition. because of it, it made a massivedifference in this woman’s hair, and it started growing back. that’s a big deal.again, that has a lot of things in it. we know biotin deficiencies can also cause theloss of hair, other b vitamins, too. b vitamins play an important role. you had a question.meredith:yeah. i’d like to go back to the
nature versus nurture conversation on thisbecause as we know, the genes that we have, especially with male pattern baldness, don’tnecessarily have to be triggered. i’d like you to talk a little bit more about your specialty,too, toxicity and how that can trigger, maybe, the male pattern baldness gene, and then whatto do about that with detox. dr. pompa:the gentleman in the letter actuallyraised – said i had said my story, which is true. when i was sick and i still didn’treally know what was wrong, there was just hair through my drain all the time, and irealized i was losing my hair. i wasn’t even healing the same. i recall that, as well.my hair definitely changed rapidly. mercury is known actually to – obviously, it couldtrigger genes. so can any heavy metal or toxin,
neurotoxin, and turn on certain genes.i think, in my case, it was more of the fact that my body just became so depleted at thecellular level that – i’m sure it was my deficiencies that were causing my hairto fall out. my hair did become thin and brittle. my thyroid was affected, which is anothercause for thinning hair, especially, but it also – you lose the hair. my thyroid andadrenals were just not functioning normal at all. something i always say is i addressedmy thyroid and my adrenals for a long time, and it really never worked. my body temperaturewas low. my skin was not the same. my hair was obviously thinner, drier, and more brittle.it was when i got my heavy metals down to a certain point that my thyroid started tocome back. mercury binds to the same receptors
as thyroid hormone. it’s a selenium-typeof receptor so it attracts these types of heavy metals. the thyroid is known as thecanary in the coalmine, meaning it’s very sensitive to heavy metals. it’s very sensitiveto that halogen type of chemicals like fluoride, chlorine, and those types of things. iodinebinds to those same exact receptors, so we need iodine to make thyroid hormone, so thosechemicals interfere with that process. many people are drinking fluorinated water,chlorinated water. bromine’s another one. the point is that that exposure to those chemicalsreally affect thyroid just like heavy metals, which one of the first signs you can startto see your hair thinning, and start to lose it when it gets more severe.meredith:wow. so many causes it seems like
for hair loss that – these triggers in ourenvironment, the stresses, the chemical, the physical, and the emotional that’ll triggerthat gene; then it gets turned on. dr. pompa:i think that it can – male patternbaldness, obviously there’s a heredity there. we know that there’s genes involved. genesget turned on, so stressful events will turn it on. again, we know that if we change thestressful events, the body can turn it around. however, certain genes, once they get turnedon, it’s very difficult to turn them off. meredith:mm-hmm. do you think it’s alwayspossible to avoid turning it on if you maintain a healthy lifestyle even if you’re geneticallysusceptible to it? dr. pompa:remember, genes get turned on evenin the generation before or the generation
before. remember, epigenetics affects fourgenerations.â you could live this perfect life. the duke university study, i think,was really evident of that. they exposed two identical twin groups of mice, identical twins,same dna. they fed them the same, exercised them the same, did everything the same. theyexposed one group, however, to a chemical, bpa, which we get in make-up. we get plastic,we’re exposed to bpa. even teeth sealants and fillings – bpa is everywhere.they exposed the mice to an equivalent level, they felt in the study, what humans get exposedto today, especially the younger generations. it triggered a gene called the agouti gene.guess what happened? the mice hair became dry, turned yellow, became very, very unhealthy.i’m sure that nobody would have liked hair
like this. they became obese, and they becamemore susceptible to heart disease and other diseases. triggering that gene was one thingto see in that generation, but what happened is the next generation they didn’t exposeto the chemical. they were born with the gene triggered. they had the yellow coat, the yellow,dry coat. they became obese as little, teenage mice. they were fed the exact same diet, andyet they still had that gene turned on. now, the good news is when we can take thestressors away, we can give methylation groups, and do all these things, and fixing the cellmembranes, the body can turn off the gene. in that study, they did turn it off so thenext generation then was born good. meredith:it was one more generation, you said?how long did it take to turn it –
dr. pompa:no, no. in those mice, they actuallyturned it off, and they did become healthy. then the next generation was born with itturned off. meredith:wow. now, do you think that thatwould be transferable to the human model as far as the next generation? if one generationhad it terribly, passed it on to the next generation, that current generation was ableto control it and turn it off. do you think that it would pass onto the next generation?how do you think that works with humans? dr. pompa:absolutely. one of the things that– people always say, “okay. i’m detoxing.†it’s like, “okay. great. you’re detoxing.â€however, as we know, there’s much more to it than that. we forget about the cellularhealing component. my 5 rs is really a roadmap
that years ago i started teaching doctorson how to fix a cell. if you actually look at the 5 rs, it’s really mostly about turningoff those – that epigenetics in the cell. r number 1is removing the stressors, removingthe sources. that plays into epigenetics. r number 2 is regenerating the cell membrane.if you remember our interview with dr. bruce lipton, who wrote the book, biology of belief,he showed just our thoughts will change that epigenetic. thoughts alone can change geneticsand the epigenome. so do toxins. his point was, though, in his book – if you’ve read,some of you. it’s a great book. you should read it, biology of belief – that fixingthe cell membrane is really the key to fixing and changing the genome.in the cell membrane lies the intelligence.
in the cell membrane are the receptors, imds,integral membrane proteins – imps, integral membrane proteins. i think we’re talkingnuclear weapons when i said imds – imps, integral membrane proteins. these are basicallya.k.a hormone receptors. they’re receptors that communicate with the outside of the cell,bring information inside the cell. he really says that’s where the intelligence reallylies. when the membrane is inflamed, which so manyamericans is, then that information in epigenetics – bad genes get turned on. we know thatif we can fix the membrane, fix the receptors, we can change the epigenetics. a lot of hisresearch and now, many others, have shown this. r number 2 is regenerating the cellmembrane, very, very important for epigenetics.
r number 3 is restoring cellular energy. again,cellular energy runs parallel to many things like restoring glutathione, inflammation,which plays a role in epigenetics. r number 4 is reducing inflammation. again, inflammationis what’s driving a lot of the disruption for the epigenetics. r 5 is reestablishingmethylation, which i just told you the methylation, these methyl groups, which so many peopleare depleted in today because of emotional stress, physical stress, and chemical stress– depletes these methyl groups. now, it leaves your dna more vulnerable.in the duke study, they gave these mice an abundance of methyl groups, and they turnedoff the gene. when you put the 5 rs together, you can change the epigenetics, and then wecan turn off autoimmune if that’s what’s
causing the hair loss. we can turn off a genethat was turned on if that’s what’s causing the hair loss. you see, we can change thethyroid condition because remember, thyroid conditions get turned on just like diabetes,just like other things. yes, we need to remove the stressors. that’s part of the detox.we also have to turn off that gene. if you remember the article that i wrote,the autoimmune answer, i said a gene gets turned on in autoimmune. however, there isa stressor – so three legs. think of the analogy of a three-legged stool. all threelegs have to be there for it to stand up. all three legs have to be there for it tocause an autoimmune. all three legs have to be there to have a solution for it. a genegets turned on in autoimmune. in this case,
it could be one that’s related to hair loss.the stressors that turn it on have to be removed so we can turn the gene off.then the gut plays a significant role, we know, in certain bacteria being needed toeven make cells to turn off the immune system. anyways, three-legged stool applies here,as well. you had a question. meredith:yeah. i think that three-legged stoolillustration for autoimmune, as you’ve said in the past, too, applies to so many differentdiseases because those three components play into how a disease arises. then you have astool, as you’ve kind of created for how to fix it, as well. do you want to kind ofgo over that a little bit? dr. pompa:yup. yeah. look, the 5 rs playsinto how we turn off the genes. think about
the 5 rs playing into that leg of the stool.true cellular detox is how we get the toxins out. look. we say this again and again. it’sworth saying. you won’t get well until you fix the cell, but you won’t get well untilyou actually detox the cell. all these downstream detox things, whether it’s this cleanse,that cleanse, juice cleanse, liver cleanse, you name it, colon cleanse, they really don’tget to the cell. we have to get the cell doing what it does.that’s the toxins that are affecting that genome. we have to remove the stressors. ifyou don’t remove the stressors that turned on the gene, you’re never going to turnthe gene off, so very, very important. r number 1 is removing the sources. whether it’sphysical, emotional, or chemical, we like
to talk about all of them on this show.then the last one is the gut. that’s more of where our ancient healing strategies apply.that’s where a lot of the fasting, intermittent fasting, moving people in and out of ketosis,diet variation, changing their diet, that’s where a lot of those strategies play into.fixing the gut isn’t as simple as just giving probiotics, as people want it to be, but oftentimes,that actually causes dysbiosis. again, fixing the gut – all of these things play intoone another. how do you fix the gut without going upstream to the toxins, getting ridof the toxins that are destroying the gut? people have root canals, these things, andsilver amalgam fillings, putting toxins down into the gut day in, day out. you’re creatingdysbiosis. your stress, your thoughts, according
to bruce lipton – so all of these thingsplay in. it really is a real answer, but again, there’s complexities here. it’s a littledifferent for everybody. however, it is the real answer, but nobody wants to hear it.everyone wants that one thing. it’s never the one thing.meredith:yeah. i love your multi-therapeutic approach, dr. pompa, because it’s not asimple answer, but it’s a real answer. it’s funny. your store here where i work, two peoplecall in, and they ask for – “i have hair loss. what’s a good supplement for this?â€a woman texted me today, like, “oh, my stomach is feeling off. i need a supplement to easemy stomach.†it’s never that simple, unfortunately. so many people either want a pill or theywant a supplement, but the multi-therapeutic
approach is truly the answer, and it’s multifaceted.it’s time, and resources, and strategy, but if people want real results, then they’regoing to have to commit. dr. pompa:yup. yeah, it’s true. i thinkpeople come out of that mindset because of the way medicine has been over the years.it’s, “take a drug for a symptom. take this for that. take this for a headache. takethis for a stomachache. take this.†we are driven with that philosophy from the timewe’re children. as adults, when the bottom starts falling out, we want to reach for thatone thing. when you look at how illness really is createdor – not just illness but not feeling well – where it starts, it’s very complicated.it starts with a lot of different stressors
that we call perfect storm, turn on a lotof bad genes, create a lot of cellular inflammation, dysfunction, and it’s been going on foryears. disease starts years before the symptom starts.now, people don’t believe that. they don’t want to hear that, but that’s the truth.before you ever express a symptom of hair loss, the problem started years before. thyroidconditions start years before the blood work comes out. even before your symptoms start,the dysfunction starts. health is the same way. it’s years, not months. it’s notone thing. it’s reversing, if you will, everything that you’ve done wrong, and thatis a multi-therapeutic approach. it really is. you have to be taught, right?i love to say this. i can say this. the reason
why we – i can say “we†as a group ofdoctors around the country who have been trained – and i’ve been training in a multi-therapeuticapproach, cellular healing, cellular detox, the ancient strategies, everything that wetalk and love. look. it is a coaching situation that – why we see the results we’re seeing.people want to be treated, but i’m telling you once you hit a certain thing of chronicdisease, you don’t want to be treated. you want to be taught a process. you want to betaught cellular healing. you want to be taught how to turn off epigenetics. you want to betaught how to detox a cell. that’s the key. although i am a physician, you don’t needone. you need a coach. i repeat that many, many times to people in a day because youdo. doctors today are not teaching. doctor
means teacher in latin, but we’re treating.we’re giving people things. if it took years for you to become sick or years to becomenot well, you need to learn the process to get your life back. that’s what doctorstoday need to do. that’s the difference. you hear me tell our doctors that all thetime. “you coach. you teach people these processes.†nobody’s doing that today.if someone wants to learn, they will get well, and i believe that.meredith:yeah. it’s a powerful message. it can be a tough pill to swallow, so to speak,for some people who want a simple answer, but it’s also – it’s helpful, too, becausereal results are able to be achieved, and people’s lives transform. that’s reallythe magic of implementing all of these different
strategies while working with a trained coachbecause you can really get your life back and get better health than you ever dreamedof. dr. pompa:yup. absolutely. i saw this shadowmove out here – my windows here. the other day, a mother and its two baby moose walkedby here. i don’t even know if you can see this, but there’s not much room betweenthat wall – do you see that wall? – and the window.meredith:mm-hmm. dr. pompa:there’s a path that goes throughthere, right through there. can you believe that? you don’t want to mess with a mooseand her babies. i can tell you that. my dogs are going berserk. i wish it would have beenduring one of these shows so we could have
showed that.meredith:that would have been fun. a little moose, hey, that’s the fun of living inutah. you’re in a good spot out there. dr. pompa:so true. let me give a couple otherreasons for hair loss that, maybe, people didn’t think about. iron deficiency cancause it, so anemia, iron deficiency anemia, can be a cause. again, the one that took theenergybits, that really clean spirulina, that could have been the b vitamins. it could havebeen some iron. it could have been many different things. that’s another one that people don’tthink about. looking at your serum ferritin levels – ferritin being too high can createoxidation. being too low can lead to other problems, hair loss being one of them. that’sanother.
i don’t even know, did we finish the thyroidconversation in the sense that it really does lead to multiple different problems? here’sthe thing that most people have to understand: so many thyroid conditions are autoimmune.doctors don’t typically even run antibodies because the treatment is the same whetheryou’re autoimmune or not. my gosh, it shouldn’t be. however, the antibodies, even if they’renegative, you can be in an autoimmune state, and again, it could take years before theantibodies start to actually rise. autoimmune, again, read the answer, autoimmune answer,the article, autoimmune answer because most often, that’s the key.i’m always asked, “can these thyroid conditions be reversed?†absolutely. get rid of thecause; the body reverses them. the doctor
doesn’t. the body does. when you get ridof the causes through a multi-therapeutic approach, the body can do amazing things.turn that gene off, and the body can fix it. there’s no doubt about that. pcos –â meredith:oh. this kind of tied in a littlebit, too, with the thyroid. i just wanted – if you could talk a little bit about genderdifferences with hair loss, as well. i know it seems to be a little more common for womento be hypothyroid and experience hair loss as a symptom of that. if you could kind ofspeak to that and if treatment is different at all for men and women with the hair lossissue. dr. pompa:the male pattern baldness, obviously,that’s more of a male thing. the dht we
would think of as just a male thing, the moretoxic, potent testosterone, but that can happen in women, as well. matter of fact, a conditionin women that we see hair loss is pcos, polycystic ovarian syndrome. by the way, what is that?women run too high of testosterone levels. that’s one of the tests. we look at testosterone.again, that 24-hour urine test is a good test to look at – as well as too high dhea. dheaconverts into testosterone – and as well as dht. i have seen all of those with polycysticovarian syndrome. again, for males or females, it would be the same. we have to fix the hormonecascade, and typically, that’s toxins in nature. obviously, methylation plays a rolethere, as well. that’s – go ahead. meredith:is that 24-hour urine test the besttest for methylation, as well?
dr. pompa:yeah. i think it is. there’s somethingthat is known as the methylation priority principle that dr. vinitsky – actually coinedthe term, and i think it’s very appropriate. we see it in practice all the time. methylationis so important and has so many functions, protecting our dna. matter of fact, you needmethylation groups to turn on dna and turn it off. it acts like a switch.to adapt to stress, you need it to turn on cortisol to adapt to stress, turn on adrenalinto adapt to stress. it turns on our stress response, but methylation also turns it off.a lot of people have chronic anxiety. a lot of people who are left in panic attacks, they’reso methyl depleted from other stressors that they can’t turn off the stress response.that’s a sign that they’re severely methyl
depleted. think about this. the methylationpriority principle means that the number one priority for a human is to adapt to stress.therefore, it will steal methyl groups from any other jobs that it would do to adapt tostress. therefore, if you’re chemically, physically,or emotionally stressed, it’s stealing methyl groups from your dna. it’s stealing methylgroups from getting rid of toxic hormones. because people are emotionally stressed, physicallystressed, chemically stressed, they become very methyl depleted, and therefore now, we’releaving our dna vulnerable. we’re leaving our hormones to be more vulnerable, buildingup these toxic hormones. yeah. we see that often.in that test, we can look at methylation and
how it’s affecting hormones. because it’sdownstream, then we’re able to see that, “wow! the methylation’s depleted herebecause it’s being used up there.†it’s a neat way to assess methylation. of course,we always get asked about the mthfr gene, which is a snp in a gene that can possiblylead you more predisposed to having methylation problems because you don’t process regularfolate, and therefore, it can – folate is part of this methylation circle, if you will.it can leave you more methyl depleted. we can look at certain genetics. i think wethought it was very simple in the beginning. it’s a little more complicated. they bodyhas ways to compensate, but we can still look at these genes, and say, “some people definitely,genetically, have susceptibilities to that.â€
therefore, they end up with more methyl depletion,and they can end up with other conditions, diseases because of that methyl depletion.meredith:yeah. a lot of your clients need methylation support. it does seem pretty commonjust from what i’ve seen a lot, too, that so many of us today are methyl depleted. supportingmethylation is a good idea for a lot of people. dr. pompa:yeah, it is. mors is a great productthat’s sold on the revelation health website because it uses active forms. some of thesemethyl depleted people, some of these genetics snp type of people, they’re not able totake regular folate, so they need the active from called methyltetrahydrofolate. we wantto use these more active forms. there’s even different forms of b12. there’sa hydroxocobalamin; there’s a methylcobalamin;
there’s a cyanocobalamin. some people havedifferent places where they’re filed up, so to speak. even toxins can interfere. givingthem one type of b12 will help one person; this type may help another. i like to usedifferent forms and even rotate different forms because of that. i don’t like justto rely just on one form oftentimes; i like to rely on different forms just because peoplecan have different problems in different areas of those conversions. give people those certainforms that they need, they really light up. it really makes a difference for them.meredith:yeah. now, i know you’re not a huge fan of using exogenous or supplementalhormones, but do you think as a crutch in a situation like for hair loss or hormoneimbalance that possibly some testosterone
would be helpful in the short term?dr. pompa:yeah. if you look at one of those 24-hour hormone tests and you have a practitionerwho’s really good at looking at that, that’s the way to go. at least then you can see thewhole hormone cascade, the whole hormone pathway, and you can make much safer assessments. somepeople need crutches whether it’s thyroid hormone, estrogen, progesterone, whateverit is, and that’s the way to do it, the safe way to do it.here’s why: oftentimes, we see people – when we look at that test, we see people takinghormones, saying, “i feel better.†they do whether it’s this type of – one estrogenor progesterone. who knows what it is? “i’m feeling better.†however, when we’re lookingat their test and all of it, or a portion
of it, i should say, is spilling off intothese toxic estrogen metabolites, that really can cause problems and lead to cancer. youcould feel better developing cancer. it happens all the time. it does.whether it’s bioidentical or not, if your body can’t get rid of these toxic estrogenmetabolites, that’s a problem. the safe way to use those crutches is to look at atest. then you can see if you’re making these more toxic forms of hormones or theirmetabolites. meredith:yeah. very, very important point.â gettingtested in that area is very key and working with a trained practitioner who knows howto look at that, and read it, and use those hormones very strategically.dr. pompa:yeah. estrogen, progesterone, and
those levels, that plays into so many differentother hormone pathways, and it plays into hair loss, as well. we talked about pcos asbeing somewhere where we see hair loss. again, estrogen and progesterone can play into evenforming more testosterone and toxic testosterone, so it really – one hormone affects the other.the test is a good idea, no doubt about it. meredith:yeah.dr. pompa:i’m sure some of our viewers have heard of alopecia, which again, autoimmunein nature. the body can literally start to attack the hair follicle. again, read theautoimmune answer. there’s not a simple answer here. any type of autoimmune, a goodtest is to have your practitioner, doctor, run an ana test. ana tests are very commonfor just general autoimmune.
lupus is another autoimmune where we see alot of hair loss. i mentioned alopecia. i mentioned lupus. i mentioned thyroid, autoimmune.look at those areas, as well. again, we look to the answer for that three-legged stool,the answer of autoimmune. meredith:what does ana stand for?dr. pompa:oh, gosh – antinucleus antibodies, something like that. yeah, something likethat. meredith:i wasn’t as familiar with thattest, but ana test for autoimmune. okay. i know you’ve said before that autoimmunetesting is in the stone age in a lot of ways, too. they still haven’t developed a lotof really accurate tests because there’s so many different autoimmune problems andconditions.
dr. pompa:that’s exactly right. there’sa lot. we really haven’t caught up. so many people have autoimmune and just don’t knowit. it’s because the testing is in the stone age. an ana test is a general test that youcan just start with, but again, it’s – it really is. it takes years being autoimmunebefore these tests actually show a positive. that’s the problem.meredith:i think you’ve said, too – you’ve said that so many people with major chronicconditions and unexplainable symptoms, it’s very, very likely that there is an autoimmunechallenge going on. it’s safe to assume that it’s probably autoimmune.dr. pompa:mm-hmm – especially when you have large amounts of hair – losing hair veryrapidly. most likely, i would say, that’s
true. mild hair loss could be just nutritionaldeficiencies being driven by toxicity like my case, or it could be nutritional deficienciesjust from other types of stressors. who knows? autoimmune, i would say, and then hormonal.so many things, of course, affect the hormones. multiple stressors affects the hormones.those are the majors. here’s one that a lot of people don’t realize. again, i thinkof these things because i’ve actually had these cases. just using too much crappy hairproduct – i use the word crappy. i should use the word toxic.meredith:toxic. dr. pompa:toxic hair product. they literallyare constantly using these crappy products whether it’s hair dyes, their product thatthey’re using daily, day in, day out. these
toxins break down hair, and they get intothe follicle, and it can break down that. it can drive hair loss. of course, it candrive different types of dermatitis of the skin, which that can lead to hair loss, dermatitises,different things like that. change your hair product.meredith:yeah. in all of those external toxic products, not only are they affecting us atthe external level, but they’re getting absorbed, too. then they’re creating theinternal cellular toxicity, so it’s kind of a double whammy there.dr. pompa:yeah, no doubt. no doubt about it. you know, there’s a few places we can lookat somebody for whether they’re healthy or not, and the hair is one of them. i believethe eyes are the other. we can look at people’s
eyes; we can look at people’s hair and justknow. it’s the thing that you don’t know you’re looking at that go, “ooh, thatperson’s sick.†i would say a third is the skin. you look at someone’s skin, hair,eyes, and that’s just kind of what our brain does and assesses people.i think that’s one of the reasons why people really pay attention to their hair. it’sa big deal. listen. i’ve had many, many really sick people, very sick, and their numberone concern is their hair. i would lean towards the women on that, no doubt about it, butthere’s exceptions. i’m not saying that’s wrong.meredith:no. dr. pompa:it’s self-esteem. it’s how wefeel about ourselves. it’s a horrible thing.
hair is a big deal. it’s not just vanityis my point, i guess. it’s really not. it is an assessment of how we are and how peopleperceive us. the hair is a really important thing. i never ever get on my patient forsaying – “oh, my gosh. if you’re worried about your hair? look at this.†no. i wouldnever say that because how we present ourselves is – that means a lot to everybody.meredith:yeah. they’re all expressions of our inner cellular health. as you said, too,it’s very primal how we assess others, too, with these external traits to know how they’rehealthy on the inside, too. our ancestors didn’t have all of these tests, and to lookat blood work, and to look at hormones, and to know whether things were in the right balance,but they looked at each other, and energetically
could assess how healthy someone was. i thinkthat god put those instincts in us for a reason just as far as creation goes.dr. pompa:i forgot one. i forgot weston price’s favorite, the teeth. look at somebody’steeth, and you can see health. when you see somebody’s teeth that are rotting and – again,that’s why people really care about their teeth because it really is another one ofthose signs that you’re healthy or not. what did we say? we said hair; we said eyes;we said teeth; and we said skin. meredith:skin.dr. pompa:all right here. yeah. it is. those are all reflections of inner health. it reallyis. when i was sick, my gosh. obviously, my sickness started in my teeth, but they wererapidly getting worse. i lost the gums. my
gum recession, dr. [jerry] fixed all that.i had all these things up there. it was horrible the amount of recession that i had, and itwas just getting more and more rampant. it was just getting worse and worse.obviously, my eyes were constantly red. my skin had this gray look. i looked back inpictures, and it was just remarkable to me. it was like i could just see – and of coursei already talked about my hair. all of those areas were affected on me. again, i didn’tknow it because it kind of creeps up on you. it’s when i could look back in picturesand go, “oh, my gosh! i looked worse even though i was much younger than i am now, buti definitely looked worse.†meredith:mm-hmm. yeah. it’s okay to focuson those cosmetic things sometimes, as we
said, because there is a deeper meaning behindall of it. that’s why this was such a great question to write in. you said, “well, let’sdo this show on it.†we get a lot of great questions, but i think this is such a topicin particular that affects a lot of people, and needs a multi-therapeutic approach, andit is more than just cosmetic. there’s a much deeper underlying issue here. great topicand great question. i know we talked a lot about the causes, sojust to review a little bit, some of the supports you wanted to bring in to kind of help treathair loss is obviously the multi-therapeutic approach, looking at methylation, and possiblyusing the genova 24-hour hormone test to look at that; focusing on proper nutrition, sothe cellular healing diet, the cyclical ketogenic
diet, bringing in a lot of those differentnutritional tools and therapies that you suggest. adrenal support, possibly then just briningin targeted supplementation, as well, like the algae, the b vitamins, methylation donorproducts like mors. anything else you want to add?dr. pompa:yeah. those were all just kind of brought up along the way. you did a good jobrecording them there. yeah. all of those things are really, really good. the spectra is agreat just general nutrient. again, the energybites, just general, great, general nutrients. ithink your b vitamins – you had mentioned them, right? – are very, very important.adding some extra biotin has worked for people, but again, just a general b complex can behelpful for certain people.
if you don’t have the deficiency, it won’thelp you. it won’t hurt you. it’s a water-soluble vitamin, but it plays a role. getting in thesun, i think, would be one thing more i would add to that. it has an effect on so many differentpathways. here’s one more. you kind of said it, but i’ll repeat it in a different way.many people today still are not getting enough quality fats in their diet. cholesterol isnot something to be feared. cholesterol is at the top of the hormone chain. cholesterolplays into hair. it plays into the skin, the collagen, the cell membrane. getting thesetypes of things in is really important. i’m doing a lot of study right now on fishoil and how many people, again, just are taking just fish oil, and they’re taking it forever,on, and on, and on. they’re staying away
from things like butter that have arachidonicacid that we used to think just drove inflammation. now we know that it balances it. if you’retaking fish oil, that can lead to thin skin, thin hair. you may want to add butter. again,i would say take your fish oil more randomly. be careful. eat more fish, some clean fishlike sardines. we know that they have an incredible – but in the fish, you’re getting allof these other antioxidants. you’re getting all these other fats that help balance thatout. again, just a caution there. in the list ofthings – let me just see one thing. we have a minute here, but let me see if i can findthis. on my desktop right now, i have – oh, gosh. you should see all these studies. now,if i pull this one out, it will be a bloody
miracle. let’s see here.meredith:you do your research, dr. pompa. that’s for sure.dr. pompa:i love it. that’s not it. i’ll have every one of these pulled up here.meredith:forty different tabs open. dr. pompa:yeah, exactly. remarkable how manyi have. you know what’s happening right now is i’m going through this thing of like,“oh, my god! i have all this work to do!†meredith:as you look, too, i just wanted tomention, too, i love your suggestion, dr. pompa, as far as the vitamin d, going out,getting the sunlight, and the fish oils, as well. if you do need to supplement vitamind or supplement fish oil instead of eating fish, to give it sporadically. instead ofgoing out and getting regular sunshine, taking
a high dose of vitamin d sporadically, liketaking the vitamin d3 supplement that you like, taking a large dose like five or tenat a time, like you would have gone out and just gotten a big dose of natural sunlight.i think that’s such a great idea – or taking fish oil at a higher dose randomlyas if you would have eaten fish versus just taking it daily at the same amount. i thinkthat that’s such a brilliant approach. dr. pompa:yeah, exactly. oh, i might havefound it. it prevents that overdose. let’s see if we can –meredith:yup. you got it? dr. pompa:here you go. these are signs ofa dha deficiency. that means fish oil deficiency – numbness and tingling, weak, pain, poorcognitive function, blurred vision, poor immunity,
poor growth, inflammation. here’s the symptomsof an arachidonic acid deficiency. that means butter, organ meats –meredith:i just ate grass-fed heart today for lunch. it was really good.dr. pompa:oh, man, loaded with this good stuff, right?â listen, here’s the deficient – firstthing, hair loss. you may need more butter. dandruff, dry, scaly, itchy skin – you seeit’s hair and skin. reproductive difficulties, gastrointestinal disturbance, food intolerances– wow. kidney disease, inability to maintain weight – so people need to gain weight.poor immunity, as well, and poor growth, inflammation – so interesting, right? those are the peoplethat start to take in too much fish oil actually start to get skin and hair problems.meredith:yeah. wow.
dr. pompa:you need some butter. you need someorgan meat. you need some egg yolks. yeah. meredith:for those who are dairy-sensitive– what if you can’t have butter? what would be another good source of arachidonicacid? dr. pompa:yeah. like i said, the organ meatsare good. meredith:organ meats and egg yolk, those aregood. okay. dr. pompa:yeah. organ meats and egg yolksare great sources, and of course, you’re getting some just in general meat, just some,obviously – meredith:red meat.dr. pompa:exactly. yeah. meredith:grass-fed, organic, local, ideally.dr. pompa:yup. there you go. we gave some
tests to run. we gave some immediate solutions.we gave some, obviously, some ideas of causations. i hope that helps. i always say that. i hopethat helps. this is an important topic, and who knows? it may be one of the most sharedtopics that we’ve done for that reason. meredith:you never know. yeah. if you’rewatching, continue to send in those topics, and we’ll bring more shows like this toyou. if you like it, give us feedback. let us know if you like little q&as with dr. pompabecause this is questions that you guys have. we want to get this information to you, andcellular healing tv is a wonderful vehicle that we’re blessed to be able to do that.thank you, dr. pompa. awesome show. great information, as always. so grateful for youand for bringing this message to the world.
dr. pompa:yup. love it. can’t wait to doanother one. we’ll see you on the next show. meredith:awesome. thanks, everybody. havea great weekend, and we’ll see you next time.dr. pompa:yup.
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